Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Week 29 Bumpdate

Ok so confession...I thought I was 28 weeks this week and I probably would have continued to think that had I not had my blog to confirm that I was 28 last week and this week is 29. 29 weeks I've been pregnant. 29 weeks have passed. Starting Sunday I will be 30 weeks. Starting Sunday I will have 10 weeks or less to go. Nuts. That's nuts. I cannot even believe how fast this pregnancy has gone. I'm still waiting for those "oh my gosh how much longer!?" weeks to arrive which I have a feeling will be here around the time the turkey is out of the oven and the tinsel is on the tree. Confession #2 those days practically come back to back in my house. Baby Girl will be here before I even know what is happening. If I had to choose if I'm more excited about Her or the end of my would be hard to decide. Of course I pick her over anything but knowing that my heartburn relief is getting closer each week fills me with such joy.

I'm also super anxious to get a good hard core workout in again. I was watching my husband stretch last night and you know that twisty twist where one knee is bent and the other leg is flat and you twist towards your bent knee? Well I was literally sitting there, staring at him, jealous beyond anything that he gets to twist like that and I cannot. I think my exact words were "oh that twist looks so good I cannot wait to twist like that again." Yeah I may have wanted to cry to...confession #3 yo.

While were on the confession roll let's keep it moving shall we?
Confession #4 I had a donut this week just because I could. I should also note I passed on the supersized donut and went for the regular sized one. Not that it really made that much of a difference calorie-wise but I saved 30 cents. Win.
Confession #5 I still paint my own toenails. I think this was the last time I'll be able to do it by myself for a while.
Confession #6 I still enjoy when people pat and rub my belly. Maybe it's because I'm a touchy-feely person naturally
Confession #7 Getting on the scale still gives me a minor heart attack
Confession #8 I cannot guarantee I won't coordinate mine and her outfits
Confession #9 I still do not fully enjoy maternity jeans
Confession #10 I'm waiting on that "nesting" mode to kick in to clean my ceiling fan blades.

Now that you have read my confessions here is the bumpdate for week 28  29

Comfy clothes all the way...

How far along: 29 weeks 
Gender: Girl!       
Weight gain: 16lbs+
Maternity clothes: Or anything with a stretchy waistband.
Sleep: I sleep better on the couch. It’s official. I can get a good solid 4 hours on the couch compared to 2 solid hours in bed.
Best moment this week: Even though it’s a few days away yet I bet my shower will be the top moment this week. So excited!
Worst moment this week: I now know what the whole “I can’t breathe” complaint is about. Baby Girl got cozy with my rib cage last night but luckily since she moves all.the.time it didn’t last long.
Miss anything: Moving in any manner that requires bending, twisting, leaning or a combination of said movements.
Movement: I sat down the one morning and played with the “kick counter” on my Baby Bump app because I read that at this far along Baby Girl should have at least 2 sessions of 10 kicks/jabs/pirouettes/belly flops/hiccups etc each day. So I sat there and pressed the “record kick” button. She reached 10 “kicks” in one minute, 24 seconds and that was a slow day for her. My Girl is a rock star at kicking!
Cravings: I made some no-egg raw cookie dough truffles last night. They were delicious and I ate 4.
Queasy or sick: nope
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Labor Signs: none 
Looking forward to: The Holidays! I secretly want this Thanksgiving maternity shirt and this Christmas Shirt and this New Years shirt
Belly Button in or out:  Out
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy

If I can add one last confession to the list if would be how much I love Fall (duh) but I hate the rainy season of fall. Cold, grey, windy, rainy days, like today, just put me in a sour mood every time. But hey at least it's not SN.....

Friday, October 23, 2015

Week 28 Bumpdate

My dear mother-in-law took some maternity photos of us this week. Despite a rushed timeline, the sun setting and a husband who was fresh home from work and starving we got some good shots in! You'll have to scroll through the bumpdate to get to them though - evil right?

28 Weeks

How far along: 28 weeks down, 11 weeks to go!        
Gender: Girl!       
Weight gain: 16lbs+
Maternity clothes: I bought this “Made in the USA” shirt the other day and I love it.
Sleep: I don’t even want to talk about sleep anymore. I’m half tempted to skip sleep all together and just exhaust myself just to get a good nights rest.
Best moment this week: Getting some maternity pictures done! Thank you Pinterest for pose ideas, I would be lost without you. Also Baby girl had her first dose of hiccups this week. Adorable but I’m hoping she doesn’t get them all the time – their rather annoying.
Worst moment this week: Walking 2 miles yesterday about killed me
Miss anything:  A good nights sleep
Movement: Baby girl has learned to head butt me from the inside. Yes I’m pretty sure it’s a head into my right side. And yes her head is still up, down and sideways. I had some lady look at me weird when I was saying that she is still head up/feet down with what I replied “she moves constantly and she will continue to move and use up every ounce of space she has until she runs out of room.” After which point I’m sure her and I will be done with this pregnancy thing and want to meet face to face.
Cravings: I indulged in a Belgian waffle earlier this week. I’ve been craving one of those for months. No I didn’t add strawberries and whipped cream – I had to restrain myself a little.
Queasy or sick: nope
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Labor Signs:  No but I’m getting “tummy aches” from time to time. Going to ask my midwife about that.  
Looking forward to: My baby shower. Oohing and Aweing over each and every sweet and adorable gift…I cannot wait!!
Belly Button in or out:  Out
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy

Now onto the Maternity Pictures let me know what you think!

Happy leaf falling season my friends!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Week 27 Bumpdate

Have you seen this picture lately? Or something similar with Buddy the Elf?
The Elf is still one of my top 5 favorite Christmas movies

Well that got me thinking and anxious to start counting down other things until Baby Girl arrives so...

13 Fridays until she arrives (give or take)
5 more Wednesdays of closing at work
6 more Wednesdays of work in general
88 more sleeps (give or take) however sleep is used as a general idea lately. 
17 days until my Baby Shower
8 girl names on the list so far
0 bags packed for the hospital
0 adjustments made to our Apartment to fit Baby Girl and all her stuff
1 Child birth class to attend next weekend
1 (and my last) birthday to have before becoming a mother
1 black Friday to score lots of good deals for Baby Girl
1 more wedding anniversary to celebrate without a child. It all changes after she arrives. 

It has me so excited to be counting down all these different things until she arrives. I used to be the kid who would make the Christmas chain out of red and green construction paper and start it in November! 

I am also excited to count down because it means all those things until I can sleep on my stomach, go a whole hour without peeing, and walk like a normal person instead of like a bent over grandma every time I get up from the couch. Yes pain is a real enemy of mine these days. I skipped a heartburn pill on Sunday and it's been like starting from scratch the last few days. I cry myself to sleep from heartburn pain each night. I also get up from the couch (only when provoked) and it takes me 5-15 seconds to stand up straight and not walk with a limp because my whole lower back is in constant pain. I cannot sit comfortable, no matter how I try, when the clock reads past 7pm. I just sit there like a bump on a log, grateful no one can see me but my husband. And when I do have to move or adjust I moan to help me cope. My sweet husband has been there for me more than I could have ever asked for. If I wake up crying in the middle of the night he consoles me. We do double duty on the dishes. He rubs my back, my arms, my feet. He brings me ice cream when asked. 

Anyway I guess I've complained enough for one post. I feel like all I do these days is complain. I had to laugh at myself today because I feel like I'm falling apart and yet the hardest part(s) are yet to come! The pain and discomfort is going to get worse. The sleepless nights are going to get worse. The idea of having alone time is going to be non-existent. So I just had to laugh today because if I think these days are bad I'm going to be a wreck in the last weeks of pregnancy and first weeks after birth. Hang in there sanity, hang in there. 

27 Weeks

Non-maternity outfit.
And pink for Wednesday. Hashtag I do it for Breast Cancer not "mean girls"

How far along: 27 weeks 
Gender: Girl!       
Weight gain: 14lbs +
Maternity clothes: It all depends on the day and what I’m feeling.
Sleep: What is sleep?
Best moment this week: Feeling more solid movements and solid body parts in my womb
Worst moment this week: Every night when I get ready for bed I think “crap, now I have to be miserable at night instead of during the day”
Miss anything: Raw cookie dough at the moment
Movement: Some call it movement. I call it pre-party hour, party hour and post party hour.  
Cravings: Potato soup, apple cider, all things Fall-ish
Queasy or sick: nope
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Labor Signs: nope   
Looking forward to: Our childbirth class next weekend
Belly Button in or out? Out for the count.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy

I also got crafty this week and made a tassel banner for Baby Girl's shower/nursery

And last but not least, nothing beats homemade bread...

I also feel obligated to share something that happened at work last night between a co-worker and I. A male co-worker who asked "so are you feeling movement yet?"
Me: Yes she moves all the time
Him: That's got to be so cool, I once had a guinea pig under my shirt for 15 minutes during my walk home from the pet store...that's probably not the same kind of feeling though
Me: Well I've never had a guinea pig under my shirt for any amount of time but I can bet that it does not feel the same as a baby moving. 

Happy Friday Eve Friends!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Week 26 Bumpdate

We'll do the bumpdate first thing first this time, then you can choose to read the rest of the entry if you wish.

How far along: 26 weeks officially. I talked to my midwife about the questions regarding the confusion. They had (unknown to me) changed my due date in the computer. But after some research she changed it back and we are right on schedule. However I am still measuring big.         
Gender: Girl!       
Weight gain: 14lbs I blame caramel corn which I practically ate my weight in this week.
Maternity clothes: Yes mixed in with regular clothes. However I may have to start borrowing my husband’s t-shirts to lounge in because mine are all getting tight.
Sleep: I now have lost the definition of sleep. It’s more like sleep, wake, roll over and repeat every half hour.
Best moment this week: I guess I’d have to say the morning my husband kissed me good-bye before leaving for work and placed his hand on my belly. It melts my heart when he tries to connect with her in his own way.
Worst moment this week: Realizing that an all-day a work function next week lunch is soup and deli sandwiches so I’ll have to pack myself snacks because soup will not be enough for this woman!
Miss anything: Maybe the days when people didn’t ask me a baited question just to respond to my response with “oh but wait, it gets worse!” I now have to answer questions very carefully to avoid such things because if I hear “oh just wait…” one more time I might have a fit.
Movement: She’s still moving a lot but I think as she becomes bigger and space is running out her movements are farther between.
Cravings: Caramel corn and anything with excess amounts of bad-for-you sugar. I downed half a bag of Skittles at work the other day.
Queasy or sick: nope
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Labor Signs: nope   
Looking forward to: My baby shower! I need to find a dress still though…
Belly Button in or out? Out for the count.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy unless I'm in pain. Then I'm crying. 

Over the past weeks I've been impacted, if only by distance and through relationships, by heartache and tragedy. I don't want to go into detail as to keep their privacy but tragedy knows no bias (if that's the right term). You hear people say "don't take life for granted" and "you never know until you go through it" but these friends of mine got a first row seat admist their tragedies and situations. I've been given new eyes through them to see that life can take a turn at any point. They have reminded me not to take anything for granted. Not relationships, not life, not the fact that you can tie your shoes (a lot of people cannot tie shoes...and that is something I do without a second thought.)

"When I count my blessings I count you twice" was a quote that was in my Aunt's kitchen that I saw and read every time I visited. I didn't really get it until I grew older. I get it now. Blessings need to be counted and reflected upon so you can realized how blessed you really are. Even if you are going through heartache and tragedy you still have blessings that can be counted.

So even though November is the month where we all reflect on things we are grateful for, I encourage you to do it today, tomorrow, next week. Every moment, every person, every thing can pass in an instant. It can all be taken away when the Good Lord decides. Be grateful for what you have and even what you don't have. Ever thought of that? Have you ever thanked the Lord for things he doesn't give you? Try it sometime, it's an eye opener.

So if I can, I encourage you to count your blessings. Tell someone you love them. Go the extra mile to make someone smile.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Week 25 Bumpdate

Happy October! I love October. So much. Maybe because it's when Fall really hits with all the Fall Festivals, Pumpkin flavored everything, apples of every variety in season. It's just a lovely part of life to have Octobers!

Delicious apples. Can you smell them? They smell amazing. I will turn some of you into Apple Crisp. I love apple crisp It's probably my favorite Fall dessert besides Pumpkin Pie. 

I found this cutie stuffed in my work mailbox last week. Her name is Zella and she's big enough that I could of used the carpool lane on the way home. IF there was a carpool lane. And if I knew the requirements of a carpool lane...Anyway. 

A pretty boring week this week so we'll make this entry short and sweet.

25 Weeks

My whole outfit is from Goodwill. Score!

How far along: 25 weeks  
Gender: Girl!       
Weight gain: 13lbs
Maternity clothes: I finally found two pairs of maternity jeans at Goodwill that actually fit me and I love them. Shirts – I  still go back and forth between maternity and pre-pregnancy
Sleep: When my SI joint isn’t hurting sleep is good. But lately it’s been hurting more and more. Also my heartburn returns at night even after I take my Zantac. I have to take this up with my Midwife.
Best moment this week: Overhearing a co-worker say to another co-worker “Look at Katie, isn’t she so cute pregnant?” Thank you because I feel like a hippo a lot of the time.
Worst moment this week: Hearing directly from another co-worker “you’re getting bigger now. You’re going to be huge in the in end”. Yes…yes I know. Isn’t every pregnant woman huge in the end?
Miss anything: Days without heartburn…
Movement: My name is Katie and I’m addicted to feeling my daughter move. Seriously. Every time I feel a kick I have to put at least one had on my bump to feel the following kicks and punches. She is loving being on my left side and that is where her movements feel the most defined. But people at work see me holding my belly and assume “oh you look uncomfortable, oh are you ok?” Yes…I’m happier than ever feeling my daughter move!
Sometimes if I haven’t felt her move in a while (like an hour) because she’s probably sleeping I pat my stomach and poke and prod until she wakes up and moves. I think I will seriously have to tie my hands behind my back when she is here to keep from touching/waking her when she’s sleeping.
Cravings: No serious cravings as of now. I do have a craving for someone to make me food…husband?
Queasy or sick: nope
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Labor Signs:  Not this week
Looking forward to: The holiday season. I love the holidays and this year is just going to be great even though I’ll be huge and probably uncomfortable most of the time. Every holiday is a holiday closer to Baby Girl’s arrival!
Belly Button in or out? out
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy

And because it's Fall and I'm rocking the polka dots and scarves like no other. 

And because 1. my feel are slowly disappearing and 2. Sue wanted in on the picture. and 3. Can you spot my belly button?