Monday, August 26, 2013

Diet Week

Well today officially starts the family diets week. Summer is winding down and soon the holidays will be here and we all know what that means - eat, eat, eat!

Today I hit the gym that is on campus and free for all students and staff. It was truly an experience. From the moment I walked in and noticed that all the lockers in the dressing room need to have a lock if you want your stuff to be safe. They are also teeny tiny and no where big enough for my big gym bag. Then I noticed that you cannot change in the bathroom stall and they said to change in the shower stall instead - yeah I broke that rule. Then I walked all my crap back out to my car and then back into the workout room. Upon entering I noticed how small it is, nothing to brag about that's for sure. They had 2 treadmils, a bike, lots of extreme exercise equipment, free weights from 5lb to 40lb, medicine balls and of course plenty of mirrors so you can watch yourself get big and bulky and sweaty. When I walked in I noticed that I would be sharing the room with not 1, not two, but 8 big, iron pumping, college guys. Playing on the radio was the same Eminem song on repeat. They all looked at me as if they've never seen a female before let alone one who bypasses the treadmill and heads straight to the free weights. Yes I love free weights over any machine so even though there were guys watching me and my chubby thighs from every angle at least I didn't have to share my free weights with them. After working on my arms, doing 200 jumping jacks (my favorite!) and doing a mile on the treadmill I was sweating bullets and exhausted.

Now I am home and planning dinner but mostly on my mind is dessert - chocolate zucchini bread baby!
Click the picture for a link to Taste of Home's two loaf recipe

Dinner will be some leaner chicken recipe and probably some pasta as a side. My husband tried to fit in every unhealthy calorie he could before diet week began. So now I'm putting all the fried chicken aside and going with a baked or grilled chicken. I prefer to eat my calories in chocolate anyway!


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mind Games

Why is it that when our mind gets something in mind that it wants, it's not satisfied until it gets it? Example? I just finished making dinner - lasagna roll-ups and yeast rolls. I had put it off until the very last minute (that would let me finish at 6pm) because I simply wasn't feeling the roll ups. But I had lasagna noodles for over a month now. The only thing I didn't have was ricotta cheese but it worked out fine. I enjoyed putting them together and serving them to my husband but the whole time while cooking my mind was looking forward to the rolls that I serve. These are the yeast rolls you can get at SAMS Club - 30 for $8 and they go from frozen to tabletop in 10 minutes - easiest and best rolls outside of homemade.

So with that said I ate the lasagna roll ups and saved the roll for last mind was not satisfied. My mind wanted cereal now. Specifically frosted shredded wheat but ironically enough I JUST finished my last box. Luckily enough raisin brain satisfied my "cereal" tooth. Now lets hope it's satisfied enough so I don't have to make the brownies it's trying to trick me into...

In other news I bought a new MP3 player and I'm going to attempt going to the gym on campus 3 days a week. I'm currently trying to find good workout music since I lost all my previous music when my hard drive crashed. Right now I'm totally in love with the Glee mash-up tunes! Which is weird because I honestly don't like the show Glee past the 1st season. I watched through the 3rd season and when everyone and their cousin was turning gay/bi I stopped. But besides that I'm so lost with what kind of music is current and "hip" right now that I'm going back to my N'sync and Hanson roots. Yes don't hate on Hanson - their actually one of the good bands from the 90s that didn't break up or go postal. 

I wanted to put a few of my favorite things out here right now because I know I'll probably forget that I love them so much at some point so this is to jog my memory. 

1. Peach Poppy hand soap - smells like summer!
2. Lemon Gelato Candle - again, smells like summer
3. My new MP3 player this thing holds up like nobody's business
4. Archer Farms Tiramisu Coffee - I never get tired of it! However I think Target has discontinued it I totally should have stocked up...I am sad

So there you are - whoever reads this. The husband are about to head out for a nice walk since the humidity has disappeared for the day - yay!

Now how much longer until Fall? Pumpkin spice everything, scarves, boots, a chill in the air? Count me in, bring it on!
