Sunday, September 15, 2013

Marriage Amusements

I think that it is about time that I start documenting/sharing the wonderful things I have discovered in marriage. From things my husband says, things he does it all just makes me laugh. The past 8 1/2 months have really given way to hilarious conversations, I just wish I started documenting them sooner.

Portion Control
I know that my husband can eat twice as much as me and not gain a pound because he burns calories three times as fast as I do. I also know that he knows I love ice cream. But last night when he asked if I wanted ice cream and I said "yes two scoops please with a drizzle of chocolate syrup" I was thinking I would get the amount I normally dish out. The real "two scoop" serving size. Well bless his heart he was trying to use up all the ice cream (before vacation tomorrow) and when my bowl of goodness was given to me I found not two girly-sized scoops, but 2 man-sized scoops..and then some. My bowl was abundant with ice cream. Now I am not one to ever complain about ice cream - the stuff feeds my soul next to coffee but I did feel a bit of guilt eating the whole bowl. Aren't you supposed to loose weight before vacation because you foresee yourself gaining weight with all the special home cooked meals and eating out trips? Either way lesson I learned from this one, either scoop your own ice cream or specify to your husband to give you baby-sized scoops instead of regular sized.

We all know men find the weirdest things about their wives attractive. No make up, hair all a mess, just woke up, sweaty from a work out - Thank the Lord he made men like he did because I have no idea why this is attractive to them. Well my husband is pretty vocal at times about how cute I look when doing something out of the ordinary. "I like the way you scrub that pan!" Anyone else get this sorta thing? So yesterday when I was cleaning the master bathroom, as my husband read his hunting magazines on the bed I hear a cat call whistle. It took me a minute to respond but when I did I said "does work for you honey? seeing me scrub the bathroom like this? His response was "yeah but the smell is kind of ruining for me". Well I'm sorry that having a clean bathroom is ruining the mood but at this moment it's filthy and I need to clean it. Lysol maybe create a product with a less offensive scent and something more romantic? No? Oh well

When a couple first gets engaged they look forward to the wedding, and the wedding night and having the best physique possible to impress the other. After the first few months a marriage some couples continue to hit the gym and keep up the good looks - good for you! Some other couples do not and this results in "marriage weight". All the home cooking and cuddling can lead to less working out and more weight gain. I've personally experienced this and now at the point that I've gained 6lbs since getting married. This is not a lot of weight and I've been trying to work out but lets be honest sometimes after a long day and making dinner the last thing you want to do is work out. Sitting on the couch watching Rules of Engagement is just way more enticing. Well I recently explained to him that I had to borrow my moms dress to a recent wedding I attended because the one I brought didn't fit like it used to. I explained that was because I had gained weight and I wasn"t comfortable with how I looked in the dress. To which my sweet husband replied "you've gained weight?" Enough said. Let the swooning continue.

Bedtime Stories
Does your husband ever get super chatty when his head hits the pillow? Mine does. Not often but sometimes he just tells me about his day, week, month as I try and stay awake to engage in the conversation. Well sometimes my husband talks himself to sleep. It's truly adorable to me - I'm a newlywed what more can I say? Well a while back after my husband had been telling me his thoughts, stories, ideas about whatever it was. After he was done this was the conversation we had:
Jon: I love you
Me: I love you too
Jon I LOVE you!
Me: I love you too honey
Jon: *even louder* I LOVE YOU!!
This continued back and forth as he continued to get louder and louder and I just kept laughing and replying in my normal tone of voice. Then all at once he says "Breakfast!" and passes out. I tried to talk to him while he was sleeping about said breakfast (sometimes I get lucky and he talks back to me) but this time - nope. The following day I recalled this conversation to him and he informed me that he does not remember any of the conversation passed the first "I love you". This man ladies and gentlemen...this man.

These are the most recent Amusements I can think of at this moment but there will definitely be more.

As for the coffee in my cup I'm currently pushing through a bag of Archer Farms S'mores Coffee.

Now all true coffee connoisseurs will tell you that flavored coffee is a huge no-no. It's fake flavored, it's not normal, it's hypocrisy! Well I can agree with them most of the time, but I do have a couple flavored coffees that I love. That said I have to tell you S'mores coffee from Target is the worst I've tasted. It smells like s'mores but the comparison stops there. I've made half of the bag (2 cups per pot, per day) and every single cup I've made is bitter. Like "the first time a coffee virgin sips coffee" bitter. I've tried different measurements to adjust the strength but the only way I can get the bitterness out of the coffee is lots of sugar or extra milk, which completely ruins any coffee taste that lurks in the underbelly of this brew. Save yourself and your taste buds from this bitter brew and go for something else that you trust. If you've read my other post you know I LOVE Archer Farms Tiramisu flavored coffee more than anything but the other flavored coffee I love this Blueberry Cobbler Coffee from New England Coffee. A friend introduced me and I've dreamed about it ever since. I need to get my paws on it soon! (speaking of paws, we're thinking of adopting a cat aka a cuddle buddy for me)

Anyway we are headed home tomorrow for 8 marvelous, family-filled days of relaxation. Let's hope time crawls by? Cheers!