Friday, July 31, 2015

Week 16 Bumpdate

For some reason Week 16 was one I was looking forward to for a while now. Maybe it's the beginning of when you may feel movement, or it means you're already 4 months down and 5 to go or for most this is when clothing becomes tight around the bump - and crazy as I am - I was looking forward to that moment. I'm not sure but here we are week 16 almost done. Crazy.

At the beginning of this week the Husband and I went with my parents and Nephew to the nearby National Park for some hiking. Such beautiful landscape around us that I've never seen before and lived in Ohio most all my life. However in pregnancy you gain 50% more blood in your system and for me I thought "Ok yeah that's no big deal. I was in shape before pregnancy I'll be fine". This lie came to face me full on when I was hiking back up the hill to get to the car. I was breathing like I had just run 3 miles, in the heat, no breaks, no conditioning. It was rough. My poor heart. My poor baby's heart. But I checked my heart rate and I was under (not by much) the 140 beats. Still, That 50% more blood in your system is no joke.

I was also doing a prenatal workout video with an Instructor whom I've followed for a while now who was also pregnant during the video. We were (almost) gasping for breath and the workout wasn't even that hard. Don't you just love it when the leader of the video goes "man that was hard" or "wow I'm really out of breath" during your workout? It made me feel like we were equal because she was struggling as much as I was. I took so many breaks during that 30 minute workout. No shame.

Ok, enough with my "I work out while pregnant" stories. Here is the information you really came here for.

Hey look my skinny jeans still fit! They don't button but they fit!

How far along: 16 weeks
Gender: Baby                
Weight gain: 5lbs
Maternity clothes: Nope
Sleep: The 2am "call of the bladder" is back. Also I'm using a throw pillow to help me sleep at night. Between my legs, under my arm. Anywhere that is comfortable it goes. 
Best moment this week: This is more for last week but I'll talk about it now - movement! Baby A gave me a "hey I'm in here" one-milisecond feel of s/he moving. It was awesome. 
Worst moment this week: My jeans don't button. I knew this was coming and before this week I could squeeze into jeans but added the hair tie for extra comfort. Now it's all hair tie. All the time. Well if that's not considered the "worse" thing because it is a part of pregnancy I would say the constipation is terrible. 
Miss anything: Sleeping on my stomach it's going to be a long 5 more months.......welp
Movement: One milisecond but nothing since
Cravings: Fry pies which I indulged in today. I've been craving them for weeks now and broke down and bough two - one for the husband of course. 
Queasy or sick: no
Anything making you queasy or sick: no
Looking forward to: More movement!
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on

I've also been spending my spare time doing research for baby items like cribs, car seats, baby monitors etc. These two books I picked up at the library helped me a bit. I also made two lists "Baby must haves" and "Baby nice to haves" and the must have list is not as long as I thought it would be. Thereby confirming my original thought that Baby's don't need that much stuff.

And..because it's Friday and this quote fits me so much this week. 

Friday, July 24, 2015

Two bumpdates in one!

I was without my computer for a few days which is why week 14 is a week late and week 15 is just now being blogged about. Apologies to the masses. The masses who do not read my blog. Or who do and I'll never know.

15 Week Bumpdate

A baseball, an avacado, a fist, a lemon, an orange, a donut....I look at any of the apps or lists on my phone and these all are supposed to reflect the size of my baby this week. So since no one knows the exact size of baby Anderson I'm choosing to say it is the size of a donut. Because donuts are delicious and have all the right in the world so say my baby is that big.

I have always been in love with stripes on a pregnant woman. 

How far along:  15 weeks
Gender: 4 weeks until we find out!
Weight gain: 3lbs
Maternity clothes: Nope
Sleep: Recently I've been sleeping so well. Even skipping my 2am bladder emptying the past 2 nights which is thrilling for me. 
Best moment this week: Attending a family reunion proudly bumping it out!
Worst moment this week: Seeing a co-worker eating a turkey, cheese, pickle sandwich and trying not to drool. I'd kill for that sandwich right now. 
Miss anything: Said sandwich. And stomach sleeping
Movement: none
Cravings: Milk. I drank 3 glasses in one day. Baby Anderson's bones must be growing!!
Queasy or sick: Neither
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Looking forward to: Movement!
Belly Button in or out?  in
Wedding rings on or off?on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy for the most part

*but wait, there's more!*

14 Week Bumpdate

Oh week 14, you have come and gone already. Wow. This picture was taken on date night and we were heading to Red Lobster so I could eat my fish quota for the week. I previously knew that maxi dresses are fashion's gift to women but I bought this one that day and didn't want to take it off. It shows my bump but doesn't cling. It's amazing. 
Also, mood swings got the best of me this night. Dinner was miserable as I was almost keeled over in pain from gas all throughout my mid-section. Even after using the restroom twice nothing was resolved. I just wanted to leave and go home. So after we leave the restaurant I started feeling a tad better (murphy's law right?) and we get the car, I close the door and bawl. I just loose it right there. Leftovers and purse on my lap. Hand still on the door handle. Bawling. You may think I was crying because of the pain but by now it had subsided. I was just crying because hormones made me incredibly sad. My poor sweet husband asked me what was wrong and when I answered "Nothing" he simply put the car in drive to take us home. He didn't console me or try and decypher my problem. He was perfect. He let me cry it out and when the worst was over he held my hand. This is all I want sometimes and he read my mood perfectly. 

How far along:  14 weeks
Gender: Still a baby I think               
Weight gain: 2lbs
Maternity clothes: no
Sleep: Good besides the 2am call of the bladder
Best moment this week: Attending my first "Pregnancy Centering" group. Basically a support group for moms. They had snacks. That was one of the main reasons I went. Not ashamed.
Worst moment this week: Finding out in said Centering group that I had no symptoms the other women had. I felt like "Wait am I even pregnant? My midwife would tell me if I wasn't right?"
Miss anything: Same as every other week
Movement: none
Cravings: Golden grahams cereal. 
Queasy or sick: no
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender!
Belly Button in or out?  in
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. Besides my random bawling sessions. 

So there you have it. Two weeks in one. Booyah Batman. 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Week 13 Bumpdate

This week has truly flown! I feel like I cannot get a grip on life and I have to hang on by my fingertips and let my legs dangle behind me. You know the feeling. Week 13 was good to me. I spent hours watching Youtube videos titled "Baby items I regret buying" and I wasn't expecting the consensus that I received. From the 12-18 videos I watched I created a list of at least 18 items that mothers have found to be useless. And even though I don't have a child yet, I agree with every one of the items. My philosophy - if they didn't have it to use 30 years ago - why do I?

I set my mind in the beginning to be a mommy minimalist - to not be so weighed down and overwhelmed by all the baby items out there that people, society, other mothers tell you they loved or "I wish I had THAT when I had kids". Don't get me wrong, the baby companies have made huge strides in products that really do help. Come on... breast pumps? That was pretty genius. But an all-in-one baby food/spoon gadget? Not so genius in my opinion. I did flip to the other side of the coin and watched "Baby items I cannot live without" videos and after a handful of 12-15 minute long videos I found that 1. People love to rave about items or tell stories about their friend "Jill" who loved said item and 2. Babies don't need many things. Which I already kind of knew.

But I digress. Let's get to the Bumpdate for 13 weeks. Baby is the size of an Espresso Cup. How cool and amazing is that? I'm pretty determined to find things that reflect baby's size that are not food related.

Hair. Makeup. Clothing. A complete 180 from last weeks picture. #lazy

How far along: 13 weeks
Gender: baby
Weight gain: 2lbs
Maternity clothes: Nope
Sleep: Sleep was rough for a while. I found only 2 positions that I was comfortable in. But right now that has passed and I'm more comfortable and trying to enjoy these last precious weeks of stomach sleeping. 
Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat!!!! Also Telling my co-workers. Specifically one who has been telling me for the past 3 months that she cannot wait until I'm pregnant. You do the math. She called it just as it happened. Weird. 
Worst moment this week: I got my first dose of baby heartburn. Mild but still hurts. 
Miss anything: Raw cookie dough still and a nice cold deli meat sandwich. With crunchy lettuce, cheese, a slice of pickle, a little mayo. Oh good heavens yes. 
Movement: none but counting down the weeks until it arrives!
Cravings: Ice cold drinks
Queasy or sick: none. I think I'm passing that stage. Knock on wood. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. I was finally able to go grocery shopping by myself for the first time in 3 months without getting nauseous. Score. 
Looking forward to: Feeling flutters

Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I try to be happy most of the time. But I find my fuse is shorter these days. 

I mentioned that I told my coworkers about baby and I was met with 99% "Congratulations", "So excited for you" and so on and so forth. However I was also given a recommendation for a pediatrician and then told "Now you can start saving for College". Wonderful. The child isn't even born, let alone starting pre-school and I should be planning for College. This is how people get so sucked into life they miss all the important things. Well baby Anderson, let's just get you into this world and then we'll take things as they come. 

Also, here are some items I'm pretty set on getting for baby. The two carriers are up for discussion and a look at finances when the time comes but one or the other will be bought. Pay no attention to the gender-neutral (mostly boy looking) colors here. They are the most gender neutral I could fine. Except for the Ergo - Turquoise is my color yo. 

1. Ergobaby Original in Teal - this is the one I strive to have but there are equally good ones for half the price. Which let's be honest have a better chance ending of up in my cart. 

2. Baby K'Tan Wrap - it's a pre-wrapped baby wrap. How easy is that?

3. Aden Anais Muslin Blankets - muslin blankets are my jam!

4. Fisher-Price Rock and Play Sleeper - I don't necessarily need one that rocks, sings, vibrates, walks the dog etc but this is how most of them come. I will probably end up getting one I have to rock by hand. Oh the humanity!!

Until next week my friends...

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Week 12 Bumpdate

This week was a somewhat milestone as we announced our pregnancy to the world aka made it "Facebook Official". We are so blessed to be surrounded by so many family and friends that are excited with us and looking forward to Baby Anderson's arrival with us! Everyone you hear talk about their pregnancies say it flies by with the exception of last few weeks I guess and I honestly didn't believe them. But now I'm 12 weeks in, Approximately 27 or 28 to go and it now seems like it's going by fast. Thinking about things in terms of weeks instead of days or months makes it seem like less time to go. Oh baby baby! 

Oh and yes, part of my bangs are pink. Booyah. I feel like a rock star. 

I spy a teeny tiny bump...!

How far along: 12 weeks
Gender: alien?
Weight gain: 2lbs
Maternity clothes: nope but the hair tie trick is my best friend sometimes.
Sleep: still sleeping well
Best moment this week: announcing it to the world!
Worst moment this week: the stuffy noise I've had for a few weeks now has officially worn out its welcome 
Miss anything: I've never had sushi before in my life but for some reason I have a hankering for it. weird
Movement: none
Cravings: sushi? But mostly I'm still craving raw cookie dough. And the taste of a margarita to be honest. I'm going to start binge eating margarita jelly beans to get my fix. 
Queasy or sick: feeling fab!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Looking forward to: hearing baby Anderson's heartbeat with the husband

Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On. I hope they stay on for my whole pregnancy but should my fingers become tiny sausages I have my Great Grandmother's ring that is 2 sizes to big and I plan to wear it during my labor. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy go lucky

Oh and I came across this shirt last week from Motherhood Maternity and fell in love. And it's on sale! I might just have to try and find it at the mall tomorrow. 

I also wanted to thank everyone who text, posted, or told me in person their congratulations and excitement. You make my heart so happy!