Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Adventures of Solids

Feeding Audra solids has been such a learning experience for both of us. Some days she is great and gobbles down almost a whole pack of baby food. Other days her lips are pursed closed all day and solids don’t make it in. Then there are days when she is perfectly happy just to play with her food and lick it off her fingers.
Banana and avocado day. A bath soon followed. 

We are still getting the hang of food. I have tried to make my own baby food but I cannot get it smooth enough for her liking so I’ve frozen it so we can revisit it in a few months. She really likes have huge chunks of apples, pears, green beans, waffles, bananas, cantaloupe and avocados to hold on to but they are slippery (not the waffle but everything else) and often make it onto the floor before long. The mesh feeder things are just as fantastic as everyone has said. She loves apple, frozen blueberries, peaches, cantaloupe and carrots in them but again she loves to fling and drop everything these days so they end up on the carpet at least once.

It is a great season to get mangoes and Aldi's has them so dirt cheap right now. I've read that she can have them but I'm too stingy at this point to share. I know...I'm so selfish.

Eating a canned pear. This worked better in the mesh feeder thing. 

Apple. Carrot. Waffle. The apple was her favorite. 

Although there is the rare occasion that she sits happily sucking out the juices of her fruit staring out the window just happy as a clam. And then I snap a picture of these serene moments. 

And since it's the season for gardens to begin busting out all sorts of yummy goodies, we snagged a bean from grandmas garden and she just loved it. 

I cannot wait to have her try all the fabulous foods this life has to offer. Especially during the holiday season that's not so far away. OK I'm excited to eat all that food too. Let's be honest. Turkey and mashed sweet potatoes for days. 

Enjoy your week and all the fresh and delicious produce this season has to offer! 

P.s. I promise to learn the proper name of those "mesh feeder things" by my next post. 

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