Thursday, March 3, 2016

A Few of My Favorite Things

How many of you now have the "My Favorite Things" song from Sound of Music in your head? My apologies. I have a few friends who are currently pregnant with their first so this is sort of for them and sort of for my own records.

During my pregnancy I did hours of research for the best and worst baby items out there so that I would not have a ton of unnecessary baby items floating around. I made lists, consulted Consumer Reports, read books, watched videos etc. These days we don't use many items so I'll just list the ones I have used and loved. Or the ones I thought I would hate but love.

The Puj bath tub - I knew I wanted one of these from the beginning but I wasn't a fan of the price tag. Fortunately I found one on Facebook for $5 and it is fantastic. I can put her in the tub and not worry about holding her with one hand and wash with the other. She simply sits there, happy as a clam.

The Ergo Carrier - I had researched a lot of carriers and I felt that the Ergo was a well-made and ergonomically correct way to wear my baby. I also knew that if for some reason Audra hated the Ergo, I could re-sell it for what I bought it for. Again, Facebook to the rescue! I found my pink and grey chevron Ergo Carrier on a budget-friendly baby-wearing page.

The Moby Wrap - I have to be honest, I'd heard a lot of raves and criticism for Moby Wraps. Their long, complicated, expensive etc. I also heard their the best way to carry your baby. I decided I didn't want a Moby and I would get a Baby K'Tan instead. But my dear cousin (in law? haha) lent me her wrap that she wasn't using for her baby boy and I was hooked. I wear it sometimes 3-4 times a day whenever I need to wash dishes, fold laundry, cook dinner etc and I cannot put Audra down.

*Side note* I highly recommend baby wearing! These last 7 weeks I have grown to rely on it more than I ever thought. Most newborns naturally want to be held ALOT because it comforts them. You think that you'll get things done when baby is sleeping but there are seriously days when I can't put her down or have anyone to hold them and it takes forever for her to fall asleep. Then when she is asleep there is no guarantee she will sleep long enough for you to do anything. I will tell every new mom to research baby wearing and see if it's an option for them. There are so many different carriers out there so find what works for you and try it!

The Fisher Price Rock and Play - This was also something I knew I wanted. I had heard nothing but good things about the Rock and Play. Unfortunately at Audra's one month "birthday" she started rejecting the Rock and Play completely. I have not tried it again since she sleeps in the crib and the swing so well. The Rock and Play might make it over to Grandma and Grandpa's or it may go into storage. I'm so incredibly sad we didn't use it longer. Update, I did use it last night to have her in the kitchen with me as I cleaned up from dinner. She fell asleep while I cleaned and sang along to Pandora. Score!

Swaddle Blankets - Swaddle blankets were one of those things I was extremely skeptical about. I heard mixed reviews about why and why you don't need them. I had decided that I would use regular blankets to swaddle her and save myself $25-$45. Well, when we switched her to the crib swaddling her with blankets were not an option since she wiggles right out of them, SIDS and all. So I found a second hand Swaddle Me blanket for $4 and it's been a life saver! She still squirms her way out or partially out of it but that's my baby Houdini for ya. But I've started swaddling one arm out because she's found her fingers and can soothe herself during the night if one hand is free.

Baby Bottles - I knew that baby bottles were a must for me (or at least something to have on hand that I could return if I didn't need them) but having Audra take a bottle has been a lifesaver! Whether someone is watching her while I go out, or my husband feeds her while I eat dinner or if I choose to personally bottle feed her the bottle has really come in handy. I originally had no idea which ones to get so I just picked the Avent bottle. Well after feeding her a whole 4oz and then having her puke it all up I learned that the Avent might not be the best choice. So I learned from my same cousin who gave me the Moby wrap (it's so nice to have someone else in the family with a young baby!) that she chose the Dr. Brown Options bottle for her little boy. So we tried that and after changing the nipple size to a Preemie nipple it's worked much better. Since I've had such problems with breastfeeding, sometimes giving her a bottle regains my sanity as it doesn't give her any gassiness because I can control how much she gets.

Other items I have used that I swore I wouldn't include:
The Boppy Pillow - I mainly just used it in the hospital but now I mainly use it for tummy time. I received as a lender from a friends mom.

Pacifiers - I knew I might pacify my baby eventually but I wanted to wait a few months so we would not have nipple confusion. Well I ended up giving it at the 2 week mark and luckily she isn't confused at all.

Baby mittens - I received some as a gift after Audra was born and I love them. But seriously socks work just as well if you are like me and cannot find the tiny mittens in your huge bin/storage cady of baby stuff

I also want to add I do not have a nursing cover - I use a blanket when around family or church people but I will be attempting to make a nursing shawl/infinity scarf and I'm so excited about it!

So I do feel that all my research did pay off in the end and I would recommend every first time mom do research of some kind. If anything it's good to know the best quality items and the store that sells the for the best price. I hope this helps my mommy-to-be friends!

And lastly, a mommy and me selfie!

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