Confession #1 I still have no idea what I'm doing most of the time.
Everyday is different. I like to pretend I call the shots in this mommy/baby relationship but let's be honest...she's the queen bee around here.
Confession #2 Mommy brain is real
The other day I totally went to put her in the back of the car...on the wrong side. I forget to button her onesie before I put her pants on more times then I can count.
Confession #3 Crying contests happen
Sometimes when she cries and I've tried everything to get her to stop and nothing works? I just cry along with her. When you can't beat 'em, join em right?
Confession #4 Being honest
Along with confession #3 when she cries and I have no idea why I will sometimes just hold her up and say "I have no idea what you want and it's completely frustrating me"
Confession #5 Complimenting it all
I compliment her burps, her farts, her spit ups, her long sleeps, and her feeds. Anything that she does well I say "hey good job" or "thank you, that made mommy happy". I know it has no affect on anything she does but it helps me feel like a better mom.
Confession #6 What calories?
They say a breastfeeding mom can burn some 500 calories a day just by feeding her baby. Sometimes I use this as an excuse to have a DQ Blizzard or a croissant donut. Don't judge.
Confession #7 Routine schmoutine
I confess I still hope there will be a routine eventually. I guess right now (on a good day) she naps 3 times a day. On a bad day...forget about it. Nights are somewhat predictable with a longer stretch at first, eat an hour, sleep two hours, up for a quick feed and then sleep until 7am. (no matter what she is up at 7am)
Confession #8 Sleep
I still feel like I haven't caught up on sleep. From the day I delivered I feel like I've been hours and hours behind on sleep. I figured I'll either loose hope that I'll ever get caught up or I'll finally be caught up by the time she graduates high school
Confession #9 Going to the Dr's is overwhelming
It's not the physical aspect of getting out the door and to the Dr's office. It's the fact that I feel like I need to be prepared for it like a final exam in college. What is her routine like? How many diapers in a day? How often does she eat? She needs these vitamins and those vitamins. Get her in the sunshine. Tummy time 8 times a day, Yes I'm with her 24/7 but between keeping myself sane and keeping her alive I cannot know every exact detail of her right now. Am I alone?
Confession #10 Snuggles are worth it.
The other night she was successfully falling asleep in her crib for the first time and I thought "OK this works to put her to sleep, I'll take her out and snuggle her for a few more minutes". That kind of bit me in the butt because then she woke back up and didn't go to sleep for another 40 minutes but those snuggles? Totally worth it.
So those are my first 10 confessions of being a new mom. I have no idea if I'm the only one who has dealt with these or if their all normal but this child is definitely keeping me on my toes and humble. Some days it's as if I'm reading her mind and the day is a piece of cake. The other days I feel like "whose child is this? I have no idea what she needs!" So cheers to all those mommies who live every day in the trenches of mommahood just trying to make it through. Whether you are a first time momma or a seasoned veteran let us support those mommas around us with a high five and a "I feel ya sister" attitude.
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