Friday, March 11, 2016

It Takes a Village

"It takes a village to raise a child"

I had heard this phrase all the time growing up. I really thought it referred to those villages in the desert of Africa where clusters of people live together and children are held, fed, disciplined by all of them. I thought yeah that is nice but over here in Ohio I live mainly alone (with the exception that we live at my in-laws but I don't like to rely on them too terribly much). I don't have a half a dozen family members living under my roof that can take the baby so I can shower, sleep, fix dinner. Sometimes, I'll be honest, I was jealous of those tribes in Africa that helped new mothers adjust. But over these past two months I've learned that I have my own village, it just looks a little different. 

From the beginning we were brought meals, friends washed my dishes, family watched Audra so we can have date night or so I can take a nap and two months later it's just continued. My village stepped up to the plate more than I ever thought. I cannot even begin to thank all of you who have really made this mommy life an easy-ish transition for me. I could not have done it without all of you and your willingness to serve me where I needed it the most. I am so glad I heeded the best advice I received while pregnant - "take help when it is offered". When Audra was born and I was on an adrenaline high that first day I was thinking "this is cake, I've got this in the bag, sign, sealed, delivered". But then we came home and the rude awakening (not the baby crying at 2am) that followed was a shock to my system. I didn't have enough arms or enough energy to do it all but I did have people who offered to do what I couldn't and I gladly took any offer that was offered. So once again, if you helped me in any form these past two months - I am eternally grateful for you. You have no idea. 

So as I mentioned it's been two months. I have survived 9 weeks with this mini human and I have no idea how I did it - again kudos and praise for those around me who helped out so much. 

Big girl in her Bumbo seat! She can't sit in it without me keeping her from leaning but it definitely helps strengthen her neck

At two months Audra has become a joy to be around most of the time. Her schedule is getting easier to recognize. OK let's be honest I had no idea what her schedule was until I looked up a sample schedule. People say they eventually get into a routine and I thought that meant for the whole day so I was trying to track her every move and then I was frustrated when after two weeks of tracking her I still saw no pattern. But what people should of said was they have a mini schedule that might be similar to this:
E - Eat
A - Active/Awake
S - Sleep
Y - Your time 

Yes it spells out EASY which makes it...well easy to remember. Once I read this I was absolutely able to understand her schedule. Or when all heck breaks loose I have to think "OK where in the schedule are we? I'm so glad I found a printable on Pinterest that told me this schedule. This schedule also wants you to "dream feed" your child to get them to sleep through the night but I tried it twice with terrible results. So I skip that part. 

Speaking of sleep, we've made it to the long stretches of sleep at night and I thank Audra for it every morning. Now this doesn't mean every night is the same or even a good night. We seem to have a good night followed by a bad night. Or two good nights and then a bad night and as rough as those bad nights are, the good nights make up for it 1,000 times over!

Breastfeeding, we haven't talked about that in a while. I'm happy to report I no longer want to quit everyday. Most days are fine. Some days are terrible. Some days are dreamy. I continue to go to my LLL meetings because they are amazing and I love swapping "war" stories with other mommies. I have learned to nurse her on both sides if she will do it (this has become especially important at bedtime to really fill her belly). However nursing is still done reclining back most of the time. My flow still shoots out like a firehouse but we are learning to cope with it. 

Audra's awake time is becoming more fun too. She loves her activity mat. She loves to babble to her toys and to me. She loves to smile, even on our worst days her smile melts my heart and it's impossible to stay mad. She even loves tummy time now and is improving everyday. She lifts her head so high and kicks like a crazy woman. She is going to be such an active child, I can already tell. Which means I better start working out and getting back in shape so I can chase her around. 

Her first selfie

I'm slightly addicted to taking pictures of her toes when she is asleep

So I will finish this post before she wakes up with this. Everyday is different. People will tell you it gets easier once they have a schedule but that is a lie. Every day has it's own agenda. For instance, yesterday we both just cried almost all day. Audra would not nap longer than 40 minutes and if she wasn't eating or sleeping she was just fussy. This prompted me to text my husband to tell him dinner was not guaranteed and ask him to bring home donuts. I feel I earned a doughnut yesterday. I earned every single calorie. But then today is completely different - I made a lasagna while she napped. Also if she has a bad day of no sleeping this does not guarantee she will sleep great at night. And on the flip side if she sleeps a ton during the day this doesn't mean she will be awake all night. Each day is a new fresh start. A new chance to get to know my daughter and for her to get to know me. We say a prayer each morning for joy, strength, patience, perseverance and health. We have made it two months with each other - Audra it's been a wild two months my child!

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