Monday, March 21, 2016

St. Patrick's Day Photo Sesh

Last week started out hard. Then it morphed into OK and then it regressed into hard again. After almost a week of Audra only getting up once per night to eat we've now done "two steps back" and she gets up twice to eat now. Progress is still being made but boy nights are rough again. Also she has a tougher time getting down for her bedtime lately. I usually wake her from her evening nap to change her, swaddle her and fill her tummy before putting her back down for the night. The last two night's she's been up 1-2hours past her "bedtime" and it's been rough for all of us. A few nights ago I spent an hour burping her and then daddy took over to get her to fall asleep.

Breastfeeding has also regressed lately. I'm not sure what has changed in my diet (except I've been taking Fenugreek to increase my supply so I can freeze some milk for when she starts solids) but the last 3 days of nursing her has been hard. I'm back to wanting to quit every time I feed her. I cringe every time I hear a "click" sound which means she took in air. I hold my breath every time she gags and coughs because she drank too much too fast. I grit my teeth every time it takes over 5 minutes to get a burp out. Then I breathe a sigh of relief when she does burp. But relief is short lived because...yep she has another burp. I informed her pediatrician about her burping problems and all she suggested was talk to the lactation lady. I doubt I'll go back to her but this burping problem has seriously giving me the I-want-to-quit blues. Has anyone else dealt with this? I've asked around and all anyone can suggest is what I've been doing for the last 2 months. It just seems no matter what I try she struggles with burping. It's taxing for sure and I have yet to find a solid cure. I need the "burp resistant baby" cure. Hello? Misses Piggle Wiggle?

The other day I was so fed up with her nursing struggles I caved and gave her 2oz of formula. I cried the entire time she drank. Her eyes and "I know this is not your milk" stare filled me with such mom guilt you guys I could barely stand it. That was the second time in her life she's gotten formula. I think sometimes when she has a mega burp and wants to still eat, the angle she lays at to eat hurts her tummy. So when she takes a bottle she lays in a different angle and it works much better. I'm slowly learning her cues and she is definitely getting better at burping but sometimes it just pushes me to my edge and I can barely even deal. #firsttimemomproblems

Well that is the latest around here. And we did a mini photo shoot on St. Patrick's Day last week. We are not a bit Irish but she had these lime green pans that are too cute so we semi-celebrated with our green! Also her hair thus far has a strawberry blonde tint so Audra looks very Irish these days!

Sweet baby footie pants

This picture on the left basically perfectly describes Audra. Always, always, ALWAYS moving. Unless she is sleeping she is wiggling in one way or another. 
The picture on the right I need to print out a million copies and make wallpaper with it. It's my favorite picture yet! Her smile melts me every.single.time.

This week is off to a good start. That is all I can say in order not to jinx it. But we are excited about Audra's first Easter on Sunday! No we won't be getting her an Easter basket because that simply means I'm buying my husband and I a bunch of candy and we're still snacking off our Christmas stash. But I've had her Easter dress picked out since she was born and I also recently bought her a bunny onesie that will be a little big on her but it was too adorable to pass up. I now officially buy her more clothes than I buy myself!

Happy Monday Friends!

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