I love Christmas. I will be completely honest and say I'm still like a 5 year old at Christmas. I love staring at the tree. I love the Christmas music, Christmas movies and wrapping presents (although at 37 weeks pregnant wrapping on the floor is just plain not happening) I can't sleep the night before. I get up at the crack of dawn just waiting for the magic of the day to start. And it's even more magical this year because my husband is home with no plans to leave me after the holiday is finished! I love this holiday so much I even get a little depressed when it's over. But this year we have Baby Girl's arrival to look forward to so I bet my post-Christmas depression will get slightly over shadowed by that!
Anyway onto baby stuff we've been nesting a bit this past week. I took advantage of my husband being home for 2 weeks to have him help me deep clean. We've worked our way through the bedroom and living area and all we have left is the kitchen and bathroom which are rooms I can do mostly myself.
Also the idea of Baby Girl's Nursery Nook has gone to the way side. We cannot find a decent used bookshelf so my fabulous Pinterest-inspired ideas to make her section of our room all cute and cozy has left the building. Such is life.
I've also been getting baby Girl's things more organized like putting her clothes, towels, blankets, washcloths etc into plastic bins that slide under her crib and hanging up a few outfits that still have the tags on them that I'm not sure I'll be able to use or if she'll grow too fast. I sure hope she doesn't grow too fast for her Easter dress because I love it so much. I'm also getting all her toys in one place and let me just vent for a second to those big kahunas at the toy companies...do you get a nickle for every single clear plastic t-tag thing that you use on a toy? I've worked in retail but I do not remember what these things are called. I think we called them T-tags?
The little buggers..... |
But these plastic pieces of the devil are a thorn in my side. I have to be close to a trash can every time I take the tags off a toy, an outfit, a pack of blankets, towels, the car seat. The toy CEO's are out to make my life a living heck with these things....ok end vent. I guess this is just huge preparation for when she gets bigger toys that are held in by 10 dozen twist ties right? Hashtag oh the joy a child brings.
Anyway the joy of Christmas is upon us so let's move on to this week's bumpdate
37 Weeks
far along: 37 weeks
gain: 20lbs+
clothes: Yes, however
my favorite jeans to wear are from Gap and non-maternity. I still wish I could
fit into regular shirts but even my husband’s shirts are more like tens on me
than anything else. I am however glad that I have a bunch of large sized shirts
for after she is born when I’ll still look pregnant just not huge. I’m so
anxious to wear them.
Sleep: Sleep has been so much better these past few days since she’s dropped a little. I still wake up to shift positions or hit the bathroom but when I sleep it’s solid sleep and I’m feeling more rested these days.
Sleep: Sleep has been so much better these past few days since she’s dropped a little. I still wake up to shift positions or hit the bathroom but when I sleep it’s solid sleep and I’m feeling more rested these days.
moment this week: Hearing
that I’ve dropped!
Worst moment this week: The anxiety that hearing said thing brought.
Worst moment this week: The anxiety that hearing said thing brought.
anything: Nothing from
the norm. Regular clothes. Raw cookie dough. Margaritas. So on and so forth
Movement has lessened
since she dropped which I’ve heard is normal since she is sleeping more but man
when she’s active…she.is.active!
Cravings: Cereal. I could go for a bowl of cereal almost every night
Cravings: Cereal. I could go for a bowl of cereal almost every night
or sick: nope
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Labor Signs: Pressure of
her pushing down. Some cramping. Lower back pain but no contractions. I will get checked for dialtion next week.
forward to: Christmas
Eve, Christmas Day, New Years and then…let the single digit countdown begin!
Belly Button in or out: Out for the count
Belly Button in or out: Out for the count
Wedding rings on or off? Off until
she is out. I could keep them on but they are just a smidge tight and
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy happy happy
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy happy happy
Merry Christmas my friends. May you soak up every minute with family and friends and remember the REAL reason for the season..Jesus.
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