Friday, December 4, 2015

Week 34 Bumpdate

Well helloooo December. Since when is it time for you to show up? You know what December means? Cold. Snow. Christmas. Family. Food. Cozy. Cocoa. Fires. Six months until Summer?
But what does December mean to me? That next month I'll have a baby. NEXT month I will have a baby!
Waaait...I'm not ready! I need more time! I need more preparation! I take a chill pill.
I have a tendency these days to let my mind wander to "oh crap this baby has to come out of me and oh's going to hurt. The anxiety is slowly creeping up on me but I'm still so excited about labor. I truly cannot believe how fast these 36 weeks have gone. It's been insane and I keep thinking "wait I need to cherish this time more!".

The husband and I have a one night getaway planned in a few weeks as a micro "babymoon"/3rd anniversary trip. Going to Amish country is one of our favorite places to go and I'm super excited. I'm even more excited that this trip is being paid for by spare change. Yep we've saved up our spare change and extra dollars each month since January to pay for this trip. We have enough for 2 nights away but we're only taking one and using the remainder of the money for baby Girl. I love that my husband is so wise with money and I'm constantly learning things from him.

Meanwhile our Christmas tree is up and our Christmas shopping is 90% done.
You can't see it but there is one lone ornament on this tree. Decorating was done after this was taken.

This also means that the shotgun shells ("batman smells, robin laid an egg" - does anyone else remember singing that as a kid??) lights are hung. Over my kitchen window. Aren't I the luckiest?

I found a set of 4 awesomely vintage oldie goldie ornaments at the Habitat for Humanity Restore store today for $2.00. You might say their ugly but I think their just plain amazing!

Well now that you see Christmas has hit our house, here is the bumpdate for week 34

Week 34

A blurry, tired looking momma right there

How far along: 34 weeks down, 6 weeks to go…woah
Gender: Girl        
Weight gain: 19lbs+
Maternity clothes: Absolutely positively
Sleep: I still dread going to bed each night. I wake up every two hours to flop to the other side. Such is life.
Best moment this week: Girls night at Wine and Canvas was pretty! Baby girl must of loved it too because she was kicking almost the whole time.
Worst moment this week: The Wally World clerk who said “I’m sorry baby but you’re chances of making it to January with that baby are slim.”
Miss anything: Shaving my legs in half the time it takes me now.
Movement: The black belt Kung Fu master likes to keep life interesting…knees and elbows are finding their way into all sorts of places and her butt is comfy cozy next to my diaphram.
Cravings: Lemon anything 
Queasy or sick: I never acknowledged it before but I guess I am pretty darn blessed to never have gotten stick-to-the-toilet, cannot-leave-the-house sick in this pregnancy. People still ask me if I’ve gotten sick yet and I still reply no. Sure I get nauseous sometimes but now it’s simply because my stomach is up to my ears (figuratively speaking). I thank the Good Lord that I was never super sick.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Labor Signs:  Still just random pressure. Which sometimes happens at the same time that she is practicing her kicks and punches. Which as you can imagine is an uncomfortable experience.
Looking forward to: Saying good bye to the runny nose that set up residence in my nose 8 months ago. It’s time to say good bye and good riddance! Also looking forward to saying goodbye to heartburn. This nasty unwelcome guest has and I’m very very ready to say good bye!!
Belly Button in or out:  Out for the count and it's causing every stranger who looks at me to automatically assume I will go into labor any minute.
Wedding rings on or off? Currently off because they are turned in for their 6 month inspection and I’ll get them back in less than a week. I truly hope my fingers don’t decide to become sausages during this time.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but when I broke the bowl to my antique mixer the other night I cried. A lot. 

And lastly as I mentioned above we had girls night at Wine and Canvas. A place that teaches you how to paint a picture while you drink wine. Seems like the two don't go hand in hand at all but we all had a good sober time and everyone's finished canvas was beautiful!

Happy 21 days until Christmas my friends!!

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