Last week was Halloween. Audra's first and I originally was not going to do anything because I think babies "asking" for candy is ridiculous. But then I knew it would be a nice night out watching her cousins go from house to house in their costumes. We all dressed up but Audra did not go door to door. We in turn went to Walmart the next day for half priced candy - score! I also was not going to dress her up but I found the most adorable strawberry costume at Once Upon a Child and could not even resist. I bought scrubs at Goodwill (aka my new happy pants) to go as a nurse and daddy wore his homemade ghillie suit which was a hit with everyone, even the lady he scared halfway through our route. It was a fun but chilly night out and the first time I had been trick or treating in years and years.
So since my mind has been all holiday-filled I almost forgot about Audra turning 10 months. I literally remembered last night on the 7th "Oh dude I need to take your 10 month pictures..." Yes cannot believe I almost forgot. So here are the shots. I seriously couldn't narrow it down to my favorites. I love all these pictures.
Month number 10 has been very good to us. We sleep well at night. We eat well at meal times. We play well by ourselves and with others (unless they are in our face and then we just.can' Audra's favorite foods are any noodle with cheese, eggs with cheese, waffle with peanut butter and strawberries, green beans, pears, apples any processed puffed food and squeezy pouches are back in the picture - yay! We had cheesy Spaetzle the other night and she proved her German genes are in perfect working order. I could not put it on her tray fast enough, she gobbled it up in no time and fussed when it was all gone. Atta girl!
Her favorite toys are anything that make noise and light up. I have to confess that before having a kid I was as anti-noisy toys as one could be. I swore I would take all the batteries out of them. But now? Audra is a music fanatic and noisy toys let me know that she is playing and being entertained. It also let's me know where she is if the noise is coming from other room. Have noisy toy, will travel.
Audra crawls a lot still but it's usually to a solid or semi solid object she can hold on to while standing up. Table, yoga block, chair, stack of books etc. If it holds her weight without sliding she is using it to stand up and then promptly walk away. Her record as of yesterday is 10 feet of walking on her own. She has even tried running a few steps from me to the couch. It's adorable now but a few months from now when she takes off in the store or in the house I will be saying "hey remember those days when you didn't walk? That was adorable. Let's go back to that k?"
Audra continues to learn new things - sometimes all by herself. She loves music and dancing. She loves watching the kitty and standing at the back door staring outside talking about all the fun things to do out there. She loves to people watch and ride in the grocery cart. She loves to feed herself and sample what I have on my plate, "if you eat I eat mom". And I continue to stare at her in amazement that she is really ours and really thriving. Not to mention stare at myself and realize that I'm surviving this mom gig. 10 months and counting little girl. You are my world.
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