2016 Summer Bucket List
\/ Spend lots of time outside
\/ Introduce her to playing in the water outside (I placed her in a huge Tupperware container with a few inches of water and a couple toys. I thought it was adorable. She was just happy to, once again, be outside)
Eat lunch outside - no clean up!
Make 1 or more mommy friends whose kid(s) are near Audra's age
\/ Do "mommy and me" things in our area and actually go to them. Not plan to go and then chicken out with the "my baby might make a peep or loose it" excuse.
\/ Start solids
Eat more homemade ice cream than store bought (this is mostly for mommy and daddy...when Audra goes to bed)
\/ Play in Great Grandpa's pond
\/ See fireworks
\/ Go berry picking
Introduce Audra to a fire fly
Make s'mores over an open fire and maybe let Audra lick the chocolate off my finger.
I think that's a good starter list for now. It's already been a busy and hot summer. Audra is like me and does not do well in the heat so sometimes we stay inside until I go stir crazy. I don't like to wish time away but I am also anxious for Audra's first Autumn and Winter. But that will also bring her first birthday and my baby will be turning 1 and I'm just not ready for that yet!
Audra loves her Daddy but her Daddy loves her more!
Sweet Summertime
And we have a roly-poly on our hands these days. She can be so content just laying on the floor and rolling anywhere she wants. Until the dining room table gets in the way, then she tries to hurdle it. Horizontal running!
And I'm convinced that other people pick out cuter clothes for Audra than me. This dress was bought by Liam's Mommy and I just adore it. I should get a picture of the back because the turquoise bow just makes me swoon!
Happy warm and sweaty summer my friends!
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