These days Audra is rolling and moving all over the place. A glimpse of what is to be when she becomes mobile. I am slightly cringing for that time to come. When she is on her play mat she rolls to and fro and she is off her mat in no time. Then she fusses because she is out of reach of all her toys. When she is sitting she wants to be standing. When she is standing she has to be dancing. And when she is sleeping...? She has to be in between the rungs. Every night for the last few weeks she has woken up at least twice because is caught between the rungs and cannot get out. Both legs in one rung laying sideways. Both legs in two rungs up to her crotch on her stomach AND again on her back. Arms hanging out all over. Or if shes not in the rungs she's rolled herself into the corner and cannot roll out. It's (almost) a fun game as to what I'm going to find when I stumble in there at 4am.
I did borrow some old school crib bumper pads from a friends mom a few weeks ago. I put them on and then proceeded to stress about SIDS. Audra has never had her face that close to the rungs but I just knew the first night she would have the bumper pads would be the one she decided to do so. *shudder* So I took them out before bedtime. A few more weeks go by of getting up a few times a night to move or re-position her I felt it was best to look into getting the mesh crib liners. Enter: Facebook buy/sell/trade site to the rescue! I found some for $5 and snagged them up. Last night was her first time with the bumpers and it was not a silent night at all. I still had to get up twice because she was fussing. The reason? She was on her back and trying to use the rungs to push herself over but couldn't because those darn bumpers were in the way and she couldn't get a grip. Oh dear me! I cannot win with this child!
I do know in time though she will get used to having them in there and most likely figure out a way around them or to work with them.
Other than that as we enter June and rounding the corner of Audra's 5th month in our lives every week brings something new. I will wait a week to list some of her accomplishments but each one seems more adorable than the last. Except the whole "let me take your plate, napkin, fork, food from you when you eat. Because what's yours is mine right??"
Here are some pictures of our roly-poly baby
Garage sale score from last weekend. $15 for bouncer/activity center. She is still a little small for it so I have to prop her with a blanket but she loves it still.
And seriously couldn't stop taking pictures of her after our walk the other day. Her feet ARE able to fit under the tray but they never do. She has to have them up on the tray or in her mouth. Always.
Again, her toes are just an extension of her hands
I swear I didn't tell her to lay still but she did. The most still she's probably ever been.
Hope you all had a very long and beautiful Memorial Day Weekend. We did indeed and I'm happy for a short week ahead. Next week my husband will be out of state for the week for work so I'll be hanging on by a few less threads this time next week. Lord help me!