Friday, April 8, 2016

Three Month Mark

Today marks exactly 3 months since our lives changed forever and my life is still trying to adjust! Life with a 3 month old is good stuff man. On her good days she naps a lot still but when shes awake she's giggling and talking up a storm! She nurses every 3-4 hours for 5 to 10 minutes. Sometime I really have to ask her if she got enough and then she spits up which tells me she got more than enough. On our bad days she wants nothing to do with naps longer than 30 minutes and putting her down is a huge no-no so not much gets done unless I can do it with one hand.

I took her 3 month pictures this week and looking back at them I just had to crack up and make up a million captions in my head for them.

The path to get the above photo was quite comical. Here are the first several pictures

I also have a mom failure story you guys. This morning I was shopping Amazon for my husband's birthday gift. Audra was in her swing, music going, pacifier in (I did not swaddle her this time). She was on her way to snoozeville and I was getting ahead of schedule while she did so. Well her pacifier fell out so naturally she began to get fussy. She had such a tired cry I just let her cry a little bit to help self soothe. I was reassuring her she was fine and everything. Her cry then turned into an angry one so I looked over and she is (I cringe every time I relive this moment) falling out of the swing feet first. Her top half was in the swing, her bottom half was not. My heart stopped. She was almost screaming and I ran the whole 20 feet to rescue her. Those 20 feet felt like a half mile. Just as I got there she slipped out of the swing onto her bum and the swing then knocked her in the head gently but enough to keep her upright and from falling back onto her back. It gave me that split second to pick her up before she fell backward. She calmed right down as soon as I picked her up, oblivious to anything that just happened but I could not put her down or stop apologizing to her. Now you may ask "how did your child slip out when those things come with restraints"? Well I never used the restraints. Until now. She loves to squirm but has never managed to squirm her way out of anything like this. Those restraints are going to be my best friend until she is too heavy for the swing.

This is our new method of napping. Swaddled but strapped in. We make it work. 

After I got over my failure feeling I put her back in all swaddled up and strapped in and then moved my laptop to in front of her swing so she would not leave my eyesight. That moment of seeing her body half out of the swing will haunt me for a very long time.

But scary moments aside we've survived it for 3 months. Our lives continue to be surrounded by diapers, blankets, pacifiers and itty bitty socks looking for their mate. We continue to dance to the beat of a drum by an infant who doesn't know time. We continue to hold fast to each other when our nerves are frayed and you loose your footing. I still cannot say it's been easy (sorry for all the first time mommas-to-be) that are reading this. 3 months is a long time when you aren't getting solid sleep and the daily "schedule" is anything but. But it does get better and I'm getting better at this whole "being a mom" thing - which by the way- is still very very surreal to me.

And just a few more smiley pictures I just had to share. 

Happy weekend to you my friends. May it be long and full of happiness. Despite the snow that is still haunting us even though it's April! 

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