A two year relationship of two amazing people became one married couple yesterday. The wedding was perfect. The reception was perfect. The couple that was celebrated was perfect. And I am honored that I was able to spend it with them!

We made new friends. We made memories. We made jokes which lead to continuous laughter. We learned new dance moves. We learned a new language. We learned that as amazing as life is, it does move on and old chapters end and new chapters start. Michelle's new chapter of being a wife has begun and I anxiously await to see how her beautiful heart grows and adapts to this new title. Often through her day yesterday I was reminded of my own wedding two and 3/4 years ago. The anticipation, the excitement and the tears. All that hard work you put into planning your big day makes it turning out perfect all worth it.
Yesterday also made me miss my husband that much more. Wishing he could share this moment with me. Wishing he could dance with me. Wishing we could return home together so I wouldn't spend another night alone. Going home alone at night is the worst feeling ever - in case you were wondering.
But not to drag this post down with "oh woes me" thoughts....Michelle and Jeremy are starting a new adventure together. One of laughs and cries, deep heart-to-heart discussions and maybe even a few spats. It's all part of being married but the best part is when the day is done you don't have to go home without each other....you just get to go to bed with the love of your life!
May the Lord's blessings fill your life and your marriage. May you continue to grow together as you grow towards Him. Don't take everything so seriously. Don't hold back. Don't hold it in. Let it out. Let it be. Let love grow!
Congratulations to the newly hitched Mr. and Mrs!
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