Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Grand Granola

Well today was my second day out of work. Yesterday was filled with all sorts of running around and spending money - today I'm staying home until going over the rents in the afternoon. Before which I will vote for the last time of being in Ohio. Women in the 1920's fought day and night for my right to vote and even though neither of the candidates are in my opinion, fit for the job I will still exercise my right to vote.

My bed wanted me to keep all day. I had a terrible night's sleep with a pounding headache (even though I took medicine before going to bed). It must of been expired because it didn't work. And I'm not a firm believer in taking the drugs if I don't have to but I figure I better take something so I don't get sick. Well this morning I woke up and it was still there. Like that song you have in your head and you think if I only sleep it won't be in my head anymore. Then when you wake up your first thought is "hey I just met you...and this is crazy..." you get the point - my headache as annoying as it was, did not disappear with sleep.

The only thing to get me outta bed was homemade granola. I've been craving it for a long long time but I had no idea how to go about doing it. I knew the first main ingredient you needed was oats of some sort. Good thing I bought a huge canister of quick oats last week - score. So (while still in bed) I Googled "easy homemade granola" and got a few good recipes. One of which I had all the ingredients and then some so I popped outta bed, threw back the curtains, started the coffee and went to work. Speaking of coffee I'm obsessed with this coffee I got from my bridal shower a few weeks back. Tiramisu coffee. Now, like any respectable coffee guru (which I am not) I am not a huge fan of flavored coffee but there are a few that are splendid and this is one.

Now lets move on the the reason we're all here...the granola. And let me just have a disclaimer I'm a "Racheal Ray" kind of cook. I use a dash here, a sprinkle here, a shake shake there etc. I don't like using measurements. This recipe is an approximate of what I did. 

Grandeur Granola
Servings: 6
Overall Time: 20 minutes


  • 2 1/2 cups Quick Oats
  • 1/3 cup canola oil a little less
  • 1/4 cup honey a little less
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • A sprinkle teaspoon salt
  • 1/3 cup brown sugar
  • optional: sliced almonds
  • optional: coconut - I wish I had some

1. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl and stir until combined. Spread mixture onto a greased jelly roll pan or large cookie sheet. It will look a little dry and will not hold any kind of shape. 
2. Bake at 300 for 7 minutes. Remove from oven, stir, and put back in for 7-8 minutes. 
3. Remove and stir. Let cool. Serve over yogurt or ice cream. 

Now this granola was so stinking scrumptious I had to have it two ways! Over yogurt and as cereal. If you have it as cereal I recommend very little milk or eating it quickly. These are still quick oats and were only cooked for a short amount of time so they can repel the milk for a little while but eventually they will soak it up and you end up with oatmeal. 

Over yogurt As cereal

    Now...the sun is out and I have some towels to fold and some dishes to wash and someone to vote for. Happy Tuesday!

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