Thursday, November 26, 2015

Week 33 Bumpdate

It's Thanksgiving week. The week where we go from preparing a feast, eating a feast, having leftovers of such feast and then...scramble to start (and if possible finish) Christmas shopping the very next day. It's quite the world we live in these days.

But let's be grateful. I for one have so much to be grateful for this year! In a somewhat particular order:
~~ My husband is home (with no plane ticket to leave) for Thanksgiving for the first time in 4 years. No more dreading saying goodbye and "see you at Christmas".
~~ This baby I'm carrying. The constant movements. The heartburn. The backache. All worth it. I know that nothing is guaranteed so I thank the Lord each day for her and tell her I love her at least once a day. Butt in ribs or not, I am extremely grateful for this chance to carry her.
~~ A family who is close. Being able to spend each and every holiday together without driving to separate houses or splitting it up on certain days is just so great every day.
~~ My life. Everything I've experienced. Everyone I've met. Everywhere I've been. I would not change those experiences for anything!
~~ And lastly (and these are the pregnancy hormones talking) I'm grateful for those extra 200 calories I get to consume today because of the baby. Now how do I spread that out between pie, potatoes, and rolls?

Week 33

How far along: 33 Weeks
Genderain: 19lbs+
Maternity clothes: Absolutely positively
Sleep: Some nights are better than others at this point
Best moment this week: ummm Thanksgiving!?!? Followed by girls night?! IS there anything better?
Worst moment this week: nothing
Miss anything: Nope, completely content at this point
Movement: The hokie pokie champion is keeping her title at the moment
Cravings: Bacon and milk. If you knew anything about me I was much a sausage person over bacon before pregnancy. I never saw or took part in the hype that bacon has in today’s culture. But this week? I want bacon at least once a day. I don’t have it that often but I want it that often. And as for milk I’ve always been a milk drinker but this past week I’ve drank almost a whole gallon by myself…grow those bones baby girl!
Queasy or sick: nope
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Labor Signs: The pressure of her pushing down comes about every other day. All you people who are cursing me by saying she will be here early better not be right.
Looking forward to: Packing our hospital bags
Belly Button in or out:  The turkey timer is popped!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy

The crib is finally up!

I'm swimming in all things pink

Speaking of pink...even my Ergo is Pink. I scored this little baby on a FB site for less than half price! Totally cannot wait to wear it with baby girl!

Happy Thanksgiving my friends. Count your blessings, not calories!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Week 32 Bumpdate

"That baby is coming tonight"
"You're just getting bigger and bigger"
"When is you're due date again?"
"You won't make it to January" which came back to back with
"You better make sure your co-workers know First Aid"
"I love seeing your belly button pop out"
"When are you due again?" (yes...this gets asked almost everyday)
"You're not fine, you're ready to pop!"

All these things and more have been said to me in the last week. I think when I wear my non-maternity shirts I tend to look farther along than I am and people assume I'm 9 1/2 months already. When I wear my maternity shirts their comments are more cutesy. I think the moment someone says to me "You haven't popped yet? It's like an elephants gestation period!" is the day I stay at home and coax her out of me.
Elephants are pregnant for 22 months by the way. (Thank you Gilmore Girls)

I also understand the need for this shirt now
Besides the touching of the belly I get asked all the cliche questions all the time. Although I might add to this "I doubt I'll go early".

Week 32

How far along: 32 Weeks
Gender: Girl        
Weight gain: 19lbs+
Maternity clothes: Absolutely positively
Sleep: I got 2- 3 hour stretches last night and felt so rested when I woke this morning. It was magical.
Best moment this week: My co-workers threw me a baby shower and it was fabulous! Also learning that peanut butter works for heartburn. It allowed me a few hours of relief at 2am this morning before I could take another Zantac.
Worst moment this week: Nothing stands out but when she pokes her butt or head out so far I can see the lump clearly, it hurts and while it’s not the worst thing ever it’s certainly not comfortable.
Miss anything: I miss sleep the most I guess. I know it’ll be a while before it returns but that is what I miss.
Movement: Fleeting are the break dancing sessions and in their place comes ballet or some other type of smoother dance. Less jibs and jabs more “let me push my fist out and just keep it there for a while”. Also her latest move is pushing her feet down to push her head the opposite way aka stretching maybe?
Cravings: Comfort food
Queasy or sick: nope
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Labor Signs:   I felt a lot of pressure yesterday in my lower region but it went away after a little while. It’s also harder to breathe these days. thank you kindly baby Girl
Looking forward to: Packing our hospital bags

Belly Button in or out:  Out
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy

Happy Weekend Friends!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Week 31 Bumpdate

Here we are 7 months in so I thought I would write about some 7 month observances that are coming to my attention recently.

~~ I'm growing daily. The large sized shirts I bought 2 months ago are almost to small. I thought these would last me for the duration but I have been corrected by my ever enlarging stomach. Luckily I'm becoming better at finding maternity shirts at places like Goodwill or Gordmans for cheap cheap.

~~ Breathing is tough. Whether I'm sitting on the couch alone or cuddling with my husband I cannot be in one position too long before I have to adjust just to get air to my lungs. I've heard this happens around this time and now I know the truth...breathing apparently is optional 7 months in and will probably only get worse.

~~ Having a heat wave... the other morning before leaving the house for Church my husband asked if it was cold outside. It was 33 degrees. I wore no coat, only a sweater and I was completely comfortable. I informed him that I am not the best person to ask as my "oven" keeps me warmer these days. A perk to winter pregnancies. I also keep fans going and windows open sometimes even when it's only 50 outside.

~~ Eating. Eating for two is interesting. Sometimes I'm starving so often and have to have snacks on hand every hour. Other times I can go 5-6 hours without a meal and when dinner time comes I barely eat a few bites before I'm full. It's unfortunate most of the time.

~~ The comments from strangers are flowing. Whether it's the teller at the bank saying "look at you" randomly or the older gentleman in the grocery store asking if the big day will be before the tax cut off date, people DO say the weirdest things to pregnant ladies.

People also ask things that normally would be horrifying to a woman if she were not pregnant. This was a conversation at work the other day
Handyman Joe (the cutest old man-handy man ever): Well you're just coming right along aren't ya?
Me: Yep were getting there
Handyman Joe: (straight face, no blinking or hesitation) So how much weight have you gained so far?
Me: (after taking a step back and probably muttering something about that being a personal question) uh well..
Handyman Joe: About 20lbs right?
*holy crap*
Me: Well yes somewhere around there
He then proceeded to tell me about his wife's 6 pregnancies and her weight gain with each. As if we're comparing batting averages or something....

After he walked away I just had to keep "what?!" "are you serious!?" in my head. He's just such a nice guy I would never take offense to it especially since I'm relatively proud of my low weight gain but I was totally not expecting HIM to ask something like that.

31 Weeks

How far along:    31 weeks down!
Gender: Girl       
Weight gain: 18lbs+
Maternity clothes:  Becoming more and more appealing everyday. The same 6 maternity shirts will be in a constant rotation from here until January. January 1st I'll probably start wearing a tarp or a poncho or a muumuu
Sleep: Sleep is coming better but I wake up simply because my hips and back hurt 
Best moment this week:  Learning that I actually know how baby Girl is laying. It was confirmed by my midwife the other day. She loves being..diagonal. For weeks now thats how she's laying. Typical, she's going to be stubborn like her mom. 
Worst moment this week: Having co-workers laugh at me when I say I'm uncomfortable because baby Girl was seriously beating me up on the inside. It hurt so bad. It wasn't like she was pressing into my lungs or bladder or anything, she was seriously moving so much that it was painful. I swear she was laying like a dead possum (all appendages upward facing) and just kicking and punching like a two-year-old having a tantrum. 
Miss anything: not being in pain
Movement: Ok so my pregnancy app said that weeks 25-28 would be her most active of the whole pregnancy. Lies. She's more active with every passing week. 
Cravings: A big helping of Thanksgiving food.
Queasy or sick: nope
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Labor Signs:  No 
Looking forward to: My baby shower at work which apparently is a surprise but my boss already told me about it and gave me a hint at what my gift will be....she's just so excited and it's adorable. Belly Button in or out:  Out
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: 
Happy. Unless I cry at a moments notice when some dingbat slammed his car door into the side of our Jeep in a parking lot...not once but twice leaving a 1/2 dollar size dent and paint mark. I cried because I was so distraught that my Jeep got it's first dent. So stupid honestly but I bawled non-the less.

We celebrate Thanksgiving #1 tomorrow and baby Girl and I are extremely stoked. I'll be the one with the turkey under my shirt, eating extra potatoes, trying to breathe when I sit.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Week 30 Bumpdate

*Side note before starting, I edited this in my new glider while Baby Girl held a break dancing and belly flop contest in my uterus. Coffee AND chocolate might not have been the best idea this afternoon*

Firstly I cannot believe October is over and November has started. We are in full holiday countdown and it's thrilling to me! So much talk about Thanksgiving and Christmas lists...I love the holidays! Another thing that is still hard to believe is that I have 10 weeks left to go in this pregnancy. Only 10 weeks! I remember in the beginning it seemed like it took FOR.EV.ER just to get to 10 weeks and now here I am ready to stroll  waddle into the single-digit weekly countdown!

Baby Girl's shower was top notch and I loved every minute of it! Soup/Coffee and Cocoa/Opening and swooning over every little outfit, blanket and toy...oh heavens it was great. And then it just continued when I got home and separated and organized everything I was swooning and melting all over again. We are not up to our noses in diapers, blankets and moving things around to make space for her and her gear. My glider is assembled and currently my favorite spot to sit. Her crib will be assembled in the near future as well. Baby girl we are so anxious to have you!

If you've read any bumpdates before this you know that SI joint and lower back pain have been my new friend  nemesis for a while now so I'm fighting back finally with a legs and lower back workout. Take that back pain! I have failed so much with trying to keep my strength up and I'm trying to kick it in gear before labor arrives. Pregnancy is no time to slack on the workouts!

Week 30

How far along: 30 whole weeks!    
Gender: Girl!       
Weight gain: 18lbs+  I went a week without any weight gain..only to gain 2lbs the following week…I blame Arbys
Maternity clothes: Definitely part of my wardrobe. As are my husband’s t-shirts because even my boxy unisex tees from different events/races/concerts are too tight now.
Sleep: I have found a position that works for the time being. On the couch + 3 pillows + Half sitting and half laying = 4-5 hours of solid sleep and no hip or back pain. Hallelujah.
Despite this new glorious position providing me with lots of good sleeps (and weird dreams!!) I am still so tired during the day sometimes. I feel asleep on the couch last night at…check it….8pm. It was like a sudden wave of extreme exhaustion washed over me and all I could do was get ready for bed before my body passed out. Talk about preparing for baby!
Best moment this week: The baby shower. The baby gifts. The glider being put together. It’s all coming together
Worst moment this week: Being accused of waddling by the lady at Subway. I was in pain. I was trying to hide it. Fail.
Miss anything: I believe I can honestly say I miss nothing and currently so happy with life right now.
Movement: She has grown particularly fond of shoving a hand or foot into a space left of my belly button and leaving it there for the day. I for one could complain but it’s better than having it shoved in my ribs or flirting with my bladder. She is also testing the stretchy-ness of my uterine walls…until it hurts.
Cravings: Chocolate. I may have skipped the day-after-Halloween candy sale but I hit the Christmas candy aisle today and bought a bag of Reese Bells. Then proceeded to eat way to many on my way home. 
Queasy or sick: Nauseous sometimes.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Labor Signs:  Lower abdominal discomfort
Looking forward to:  Getting Baby Girl’s nursery nook all set up. Nursery nook is a fancy way of saying she gets one wall in our bedroom. Time to get creative with space saving techniques!
Belly Button in or out:  Out for the count. My 3 year old niece is completely fascinated with it and likes to “beep” it. She is fascinated with my belly in general and wants to name the baby “Princess”. *melting*
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time:
Happy and excited!

Simply because it's hot cocoa season and Land O Lakes Arctic White is without.a.doubt my most favorite flavor. Try it. Or don't, just save it all for me. A large container of this stuff might be on my Christmas list this year to last me through next year. 

Checklist for the next 10 weeks
~ Complete "thank you" notes
~ Set up nursery "nook"
~ Finishing buying things we did not receive at both showers - like a car seat!
~ Finalize our names list
~ Pack hospital bags
~ Prep and freeze meals for after her arrival. Nothing crazy just a few extra lasagnas and chicken dishes
~ Get through the holidays without using the "it's for the baby" excuse on my second piece of pie...slim chance for this one because I love pie.
~ Get as much sleep as possible
~ Work out as much as possible
~ Bake brownies (simply because I'm craving brownies)

 And here is another "toes" photo for you as my toes are very slowly disappearing. See you again soon toes...