I'm also super anxious to get a good hard core workout in again. I was watching my husband stretch last night and you know that twisty twist where one knee is bent and the other leg is flat and you twist towards your bent knee? Well I was literally sitting there, staring at him, jealous beyond anything that he gets to twist like that and I cannot. I think my exact words were "oh that twist looks so good I cannot wait to twist like that again." Yeah I may have wanted to cry to...confession #3 yo.
While were on the confession roll let's keep it moving shall we?
Confession #4 I had a donut this week just because I could. I should also note I passed on the supersized donut and went for the regular sized one. Not that it really made that much of a difference calorie-wise but I saved 30 cents. Win.
Confession #5 I still paint my own toenails. I think this was the last time I'll be able to do it by myself for a while.
Confession #6 I still enjoy when people pat and rub my belly. Maybe it's because I'm a touchy-feely person naturally
Confession #7 Getting on the scale still gives me a minor heart attack
Confession #8 I cannot guarantee I won't coordinate mine and her outfits
Confession #9 I still do not fully enjoy maternity jeans
Confession #10 I'm waiting on that "nesting" mode to kick in to clean my ceiling fan blades.
Now that you have read my confessions here is the bumpdate for week
Comfy clothes all the way...
How far along:
29 weeks
Gender: Girl!
Weight gain: 16lbs+
clothes: Or anything with a stretchy waistband.
Sleep: I sleep better on the couch. It’s official. I can get a good solid 4 hours on the couch compared to 2 solid hours in bed.
Sleep: I sleep better on the couch. It’s official. I can get a good solid 4 hours on the couch compared to 2 solid hours in bed.
Best moment
this week: Even though it’s a
few days away yet I bet my shower will be the top moment this week. So excited!
Worst moment
this week: I now know what the
whole “I can’t breathe” complaint is about. Baby Girl got cozy with my rib cage
last night but luckily since she moves all.the.time it didn’t last long.
Miss anything:
Moving in any manner that
requires bending, twisting, leaning or a combination of said movements.
Movement: I sat down the one morning and played with the “kick
counter” on my Baby Bump app because I read that at this far along Baby Girl
should have at least 2 sessions of 10 kicks/jabs/pirouettes/belly flops/hiccups
etc each day. So I sat there and pressed the “record kick” button. She reached 10 “kicks”
in one minute, 24 seconds and that was a slow day for her. My Girl is a rock star at kicking!
Cravings: I made some no-egg raw cookie dough truffles last night.
They were delicious and I ate 4.
Queasy or
sick: nope
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Labor Signs: none
forward to: The Holidays! I
secretly want this Thanksgiving maternity shirt and this Christmas Shirt and this New Years shirt
Belly Button in or out: Out
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
If I can add one last confession to the list if would be how much I love Fall (duh) but I hate the rainy season of fall. Cold, grey, windy, rainy days, like today, just put me in a sour mood every time. But hey at least it's not SN.....