Friday, August 28, 2015

Halfway Bumpdate

OOH We're halfway there, OOOOH living on a prayer! I cannot believe we are halfway through this pregnancy! This week we finally found out the gender of our Baby.
Baby is a Girl!

I have been just drooling all over little girl things ever since we found out and I have to refrain from buying it all. I'm really in love with pink elephants for baby girl though. Here are my "can't wait to gets"

Here is the week 20 bumpdate

How far along: 20 weeks
Gender: It’s a GIRL!        
Weight gain: 9lbs
Maternity clothes: one maternity shirt that says “Good things come in large bellies” I bought from Goodwill.
Sleep: I have good nights and bad.
Best moment this week: Some might think that finding out that we were having a girl was the best moment but truly and honestly it was the ultrasound itself. Seeing our baby on that screen was just magical and amazing. And I cried.
Worst moment this week: Adding more clothes to the “this doesn’t fit anymore” pile. Even clothes I bought a few weeks ago a few sizes too big on purpose are getting tight now…sweatpants are looking better and better.
Miss anything:  I miss doing normal things like getting in and out of the car without being out of breath.
Movement: Oh Baby Girl is a little dancer!
Cravings: Chocolate – baby girl is a girl after my own heart!
Queasy or sick: Nope
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: My second ultrasound so I can get another glimpse of my daughter
Belly Button in or out? Slightly in still
Wedding rings on or off? On

Pink high tops from Carters

Hello Beautiful! I cannot wait to meet you!

We are so thrilled to have a daughter on the way and things are getting real. I know...if the belly, the weight gain and fetal movements didn't make it real enough it is now. I talk to her every morning and every afternoon and every night. I love to feel her kick, flop, punch etc. The one night I was woken up from a dead sleep (dream and all) by her kicking me. It was nuts. I thought it was all a part of my dream but I wake up and there she is, having a 3am dance party. She also kicks when I wake up to empty my bladder (twice a night sometimes) like she's saying "hey....while you're up, let's play!". I cannot wait to see how active she really is when she is born. I also cannot wait to swaddle her, bathe her, show her off, rock her to sleep, and yes change her diapers. It's going to be a wild ride and I'm SO ready. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Week 19 Bumpdate

Well all those weeks that I spent waiting, hoping, holding my breath, and coaxing baby to move have finally caught up with me. Ladies and Gentleman we have a mover and a shaker among us. Fred Astair or Ginger Rogers child must be in my belly because so.much.kicking. Or belly flopping. I pretty sure baby did a belly flop yesterday. It was such a big movement I let out a little gasp.

But maybe Baby was excited about the new addition to our family, a 1967 Chevy pickup which we've named Lucille, It's my tradition to name vehicles and crazy enough my husbands trucks have female names because we joke they are the other women of his life with whom he spends all his spare time. Anyway we went to pick up the pickup (yes I totally did just say that) yesterday and Baby was kicking from before we left until we got home 3 hours later. At one point I started getting nauseous from all the movement I think. I swear I thought babies only move at night when the Momma's are relaxing on the couch or trying to sleep but apparently our baby has no sleep mode because it's always party time!

Helloooo Lucille

Anyway here is the 19 week bumpdate

Is it me or do those stripes make me look huge? Oh well, I love stripes!
And..yes..I know I broke my "don't relate baby to fruit" rule but Mangoes are seriously the foods of the gods and I will let this one slide.

How far along: 19 weeks
Gender: we find out in 3 days!               
Weight gain: 8lbs
Maternity clothes: Are still a dream of mine
Sleep: Also a dream of mine...I usually get a good solid hour of sleep and then I'm up for 2 hours, toss and turn for another hour, sleep for an hour, then I usually end up on the couch or I toss and turn until my husbands alarm wakes him up
Best moment this week: Oodles of movement!!
Worst moment this week: Sleep has got to be the worst this week. "It'll get better" I tell myself. Lies. 
Miss anything: Fitting into certain clothes
Movement: Flips, belly flops and kicks. Ok, mostly kicks.
Cravings: Fresh Pineapple, Pineapple, Pineapple. I bought one on Wednesday and I have one bowl left to eat. I had 3 bowls in one day. Officially a real pregnancy craving? I think so. 
Queasy or sick: None
Anything making you queasy or sick: None
Looking forward to: our ultrasound
Belly Button in or out? Still in but flatter than last week
Wedding rings on or off? On

Will I be keeping the pink outfit or the green outfit???

Fresh Pineapple for days....

I seriously have the best co-workers ever... 

I get a little present in my mailbox for an anonymous co-worker once a week. It seriously makes my day every time. Last week it was the above bath ducky. This week it was a homemade dishcloth and scrubby with the note "clean up for 3". Insert swoon here.....

So cheers to an awesome weekend and a Monday that comes quickly with a baby whose ready to reveal it's gender! I've never looked forward to Monday so much on a Friday in my life. #ababychangeseverything 

Friday, August 14, 2015

Week 18 Bumpdate

We'll get to the Bumpdate rather quickly this time, then I will share my thoughts about labor and delivery. I just had my 2nd Birth Centering Group session last night and I need to put my thoughts down before I forget.

Baby has also been doing some serious triple sow cows in my uterus the past 12 hours. I give you a score of 10 Baby. Every time. 

How far along:  18 weeks
Gender: 11 more days away I can hardly wait!  
Weight gain: 6lbs
Maternity clothes: nope
Sleep: When I actually sleep it's great. When I'm tossing and turning it's not so great. 
Best moment this week: Sharing baby's heartbeat with my Momma
Worst moment this week: Sleeping and heartburn are real buggers these days
Miss anything: At this point I cannot say that I do. 
Movement: mini flutters when I least expect it
Cravings: Lemon hummus. We had this at Group and let me tell combines my love of lemon, with the healthy vegetable asset...I could eat a whole tub. 
Queasy or sick: No
Anything making you queasy or sick: no
Looking forward to: Our first and only ultrasound. Getting pictures and a gender to share with family, friends and coworkers 
Belly Button in or out? Oh the turn of events this week in the belly button department. It's getting flatter each day which I find hilarious and amazing. It's also a bit more sensitive at times. 
Wedding rings on or off? On

So this week in our Centering Group we talked about changes in our body during pregnancy. We were able to see a side cut out of the female body at 20 weeks, 30 weeks and 40 weeks about and oh the changes the body has to make to accompany Baby. We also talked about our grievances this far in pregnancy. Heartburn, back ache, swelling feet, acne, mood swings, itchy skin etc. And we talked about each one, why it happens and what we can do to keep discomfort at a minimum. I was able to add to the group discussion with my woes but I also found myself saying "nope not me at all" for some things. For instance, they say the first trimester is the most exhausting and in the second trimester you get your energy back but for me I feel it's reversed sometimes. I was barely tired in my first trimester but now at 18 weeks even washing dishes wears me out. The other thing that was asked is if we've gone up bra sizes or bought maternity clothes. Most of the women said yes, I said no. Some women expressed their cravings but I have yet to have the same craving for more than a day. (right now it's lemon hummus and I'm pretty sure that's going to stay a while but I'll probably forget all about it tomorrow. Let's be honest)

Towards the end of the group we started discussing next months topic of relaxation and preparing for baby. We talked a little about how to relax and a tiny bit of what to expect for labor in terms of what your pelvis goes through. During this whole point of discussion I felt like I was jumping up and down inside because right now and for the last few weeks the thought of labor and delivery excite me. Like super excite me. I'm excited to see how I cope with the pain. How I move through contractions. How I breathe and focus on breathing to get me through. Different positions I'm anxious to try during labor. The thought of contractions and being on deaths door in terms of pain does not, at this point scare me because I know in the grand scheme of things the time of labor is so short. You go through this miserable, painful, excruciating time but as my midwife put it "you get a prize at the end!" and I feel that if I know my body how I think I know my body, if you tell me to do something (push, breathe etc) that I will do it for as long as you tell me and exactly how you tell me as long as I'm promised a reward. I'm like a puppy I guess. Want me to sit for 24 hours straight and you'll give me a single treat? Done.

Growing up and spending 5 years of my life in the chair of my orthodontist was miserable. But I knew that if I brushed like he told me, avoided eating certain things and came in for my regular appointments I would get fabulous teeth. I was able to keep it up for 5 years because I knew the prize was bigger than the pain. In so that is my thought on labor, the prize is bigger than the pain. It's mind over matter completely. So on this day you can mark my words that the thought of labor excites me. But this does not mean I won't change my mind at hour 21 (ok more like hour one and my first contraction probably) when I'm exhausted beyond all means and want to give up. I probably will. Even the most prepared, strong and determined women are taken down a notch with labor. No one is above it. You can be trained in every aspect of it. Go through it more than once. Have tons of tricks up your sleeves but you're not above it. It will hurt but that baby has to come out one way or another. But it's worth it. It's so worth it. 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Week 17 Bumpdate

So I went grocery shopping this week, did Yoga 3 times and felt baby growing. I was sitting on the couch one night and I just felt SO full. Like I just ate the Captains Feast at Red Lobster with a side of those delicious biscuits and followed it up with ice cream. That's pretty full. But I didn't eat that much. I ate my normal size dinner. I later learned that's a sign that baby is growing - feeling extremely full because the uterus is growing and thus moving all other organs, including the stomach, around to make room. That's OK baby...I didn't need those organs anyway. You just take as much room as you need. 

How far along:  17 weeks
Gender:  A mystery for 3 more weeks....drag               
Weight gain: 6lbs I actually got tired of doing math when I stepped on the scale so I wrote up a chart with the number on the scale = how many pounds gained. This will also serve double purpose for when baby is out and I'm trying to loose. 
Maternity clothes: No but sometimes I wish I did have some
Sleep: Restless. I toss and turn all night. I'm lucky if I get 4 solid hours. At least when Baby gets here I'll have a reason to be up every few hours. 
Best moment this week: Everyone noticing my bump! I also received my very first "belly pat" this week. As a girl whose dreamed of being pregnant for years it was adorable but I know it will get old. Fast. 
Worst moment this week: Trying to squeeze into jeans that - I need to admit - just don't fit anymore. I did go shopping for bigger jeans so I guess I need to start breaking those in now...sigh. 
Miss anything: Testing cookie, brownie, and cake batter with my finger...lets be honest. Thats the best part of baking. 
Movement: itty bitty feather-y feelings but nothing big
Cravings: Lemon anything. Finally bought ingredients for a lemon bundt cake ("a boondt cake!" if you watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding, "oh it's a cake with a hole in the middle!!") but I'm afraid to make it because I know I'm going to eat most of it. 
Queasy or sick: nadda
Anything making you queasy or sick: nadda - but the heartburn is serious business. 
Looking forward to: My next Dr. Appt at which my Momma will join me.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy with a dash of sad sometimes

Also this week I've noticed a new excitement in my Husband about Baby. I think it's because I'm officially showing and he is realizing it's really happening. (Don't worry honey, up until a week or two ago I had my doubts too!). But his newest thing is instead of tickling or poking me he tickles and pokes my stomach i.e. the Baby. This also happened the other day with my niece who wanted to tickle the Baby. I told her that Baby couldn't tickle her back so I would do it instead. The mind of a 3 year old is truly fascinating to me! 
This poor baby is going to come out ready to face a family who is very hands-y. We poke, tickle, tease, and wet willy each other all the time. It's our way to show affection. Oh just wait Baby, your grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins are going to have a ball with you!