One year ago today I decided to step into unknown territory. I decided to explore this thing called Yoga. I didn't know what to expect. I didn't even know if I would like it despite hearing everyone I knew that practiced it say they loved it. I didn't think it would teach me so much. I didn't know what I was in for.

I had a free Yoga mat that had taken up space in my closet for years. I was a committed wearer of Yoga pants and so I thought it made sense to actually put it all to use. I also saw the quote "Your pants say Yoga but your butt says Mcdonalds" which really spoke to me. I wasn't concerned that my but said Mcdonalds but I was concerned with being a poser of Yoga-doing. My journey started when I inquired to a cousin about her recent Yoga posts on Facebook. She told me about the app called Pocket Yoga. This app was $3 which I thought was a steal compared to Yoga classes in a studio could cost between $12 per class or up to $100 a month for unlimited classes. The $3 was bargain and perfect way to see if I really wanted to do Yoga.
Well 12 months, 4 Yoga Classes, half a dozen home videos, 71 online videos, hundreds of hours of practice, numerous pictures and videos on my phone later...I'm hooked. I strive to practice every day but we all know that life has a tendency of getting in the way - especially in the way of those things that are good for us - and that usually causes me to practice every other day. But they call it practice for a reason, because you never become perfect. There is always something to improve or make harder (and thus becoming better). This became real to me when I starting taking pictures of my postures and boy...reality check! Even the simplest of poses that I felt I was doing right I ended up doing all wrong. As awkward, time consuming and annoying as taking pictures of myself is, it's really helped improved my my postures.

Along the way I have acquired another yoga mat, a yoga block, hot yoga towel, a yoga strap and a carrying strap. Not to mention the reputation with all my posts to Social Media about Yoga. My Yoga clothing has expanded and I'm exploring the world of Yoga socks - yes they really do help!
I continue to practice a majority on my own in my own living room. I do venture out to classes when time allows but my last two classes did not cater to my needs so I am a little hesitant to go back at this moment. I prefer to let Jillian Michaels yell at me from my TV :) Doing it in my own living room also allows me to wobble and fall without anyone seeing me. But even the greatest Yogi's's inevitable.
I have been asked if I will ever teach Yoga and my answer is - it's something I would love to do if time and money allows. Time I have to take out of my already crazy schedule and money I have to find when we are not saving up for a house and paying off debt. I think Yoga Teachers have one of the coolest jobs. You get to wear leggings and comfy shirts all day and you are a lot more free of stress than most!

One of the first things I learned in Yoga that I am most proud of is a handstand. I took a month long challenge on Instagram and as skeptical as I was at first it really truly taught my body how to handstand! Other poses I've learned to love are Crow/Crane Pose, Side Crow, Eight Angle Pose, Pigeon Pose, Dragon Pose and Tree Pose. All heart openener poses are great but I shy away as I don't feel they are beneficial - I'm kidding myself when I think that but honestly I love the challenging poses more. Balance poses like Half Moon Pose, Vertical Splits, Crescent lunge and Warrior 3 are my least favorite. They seem simple and yet I wobble and fall almost every time - Tree pose however is a standing balance pose but I can hold it forever! Hip - opening poses are the most beneficial to me. I learned in a class that I have tight hips - mainly because of Gymnastics/Dance classes over the years. Having stiff angry hips is very common in Yoga which is why there are so many practices for opening the hips. I have a love/hate relationship with all hip-openers mainly because they hurt so good! Arm balance poses are probably my favorite poses. The power and strength your wrists and forearms posses is amazing - I never knew I could hold my body up with just my arms! Poses that still boggle my mind are Scorpion, Forearm Stands, Toe holds, Swinging my feet under & jumping back, Bird of Paradise and Grasshopper Pose. This are all very advanced poses that I no doubt have a goal of eventually reaching them but right now I am comfortable where I'm at in Yoga. Slowly improving but never perfect.

The changes in my mind and body that have come through Yoga have inspired me to keep going - shin muscles exist!? I love the beauty of showing up to the mat and accomplishing what I set out to do. I love having a Yoga agenda that gets thrown off halfway through my practice and my body shows me what it really needs. I also wish I wasn't so late to game of Yoga. I wish I would have started years ago. But today is day one of year number 2. Let it be beautiful. Let it be strong. Let it be self improving. Namaste!