Sunday, October 28, 2012

Weekly rap

Wow it's been a week? Sorry! Let's re-cap and hopefully I can say that I'll be better next week. If not then the following week when I'm officially done with work. Saturday I ended up at a birthday party - fajitas and carrot cake makes me happy! Seriously, the fajitas that they served - best I've ever ever had!!

Sunday was my bridal shower. This wonderful wedding wish was in one of my cards - love it!
Upon having fabulous homemade pie I received so many fun things. An ice cream maker - yeah baby! All of our towels and pots and pans! And not one, not two, but THREE peelers and FOUR ice cream scoops. Of all the things to get repeats of I couldn't even keep them because I already have 2 ice cream scoops and one peeler. I also received some awesome antique Pyrex baking dishes from my momma whose been collecting them for the past months. I'm in love with them!

This past Thursday I rode in my first convertible - freaking amazing!

Last night's dinner was thanks to Food for a Hungry Soul  with this recipe Simply Great Chicken
 (her picture not mine - mine was devoured to fast to take a picture)
Simply combine brown sugar and Italian seasoning and bake for an hour. Have it with mashed potatoes and - boom amazing!

Speaking of cooking I got the baking buzz tonight and made Pumpkin Cream Cheese Brownies
 All the ingredients - minus a stick of butter. I thought it called for a stick and a half and it was only half a stick. Luckily I caught that before starting!

 Pumpkin batter made, just whipping up the cream cheese topping however it called for 2 Tbs of flour - is that weird? The topping was thinner then I was expecting too but I didn't add more flour. 

 Beautiful pumpkin-ness you are delectable!

As I mentioned before this week is my last week of work - at least until we move to NC and I find something down there. I will be reporting to the office once a week to check on my new hire and clean the office. Gotta make some money somehow but now I'm thinking that with all my free time I'm going to soak up some nephew and niece time! 54 days until I'm a Mrs. I am beyond excited to marry my Marine!

Until next time...

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Let's call it Saturday

It's currently 3:34pm and I just got ready for the day. Now before you go judging me and asked if I lounged around in my pj's all day the answer is no. I went to post office this morning to get the mail (duh). I also washed dishes (by hand mind you). I did that in yoga pants so technically I wasn't in my pj's, but I was just about as comfortable. Other then that...yes I lounged quite a bit today. But the only reason I physically showered and put on make up was because I was invited to a birthday party tonight. Otherwise, it's safe to say I wouldn't have showered today. Now i have to decide on what shirt I'm going to wear tonight...I think it's safe to go with layers since I don't know if their house is going to be cold or warm.

Outside the clouds are fighting with the sun to see who dominates the weather world the most today. It's cold and fall is definitely, slowly turning into winter. Part of me cannot wait, part of me can...and part of me wants a good snow fall before I move south and don't see a good snow fall for 2+ years.

I gained a "back up" bridesmaid for my wedding. In case I really do drop from 3 to 2.

My bridal shower is tomorrow and I truly cannot wait.....

My fiance sent me flowers for my birthday - technically his brother sent them but only because he was given direction by Jonathan.
Now I know some girls don't like to get roses because their cliche or if you're like Whitney Cummings on her show Whitney, you don't like a guy to pull a flower out of the ground and give it to you so you can watch it die. But I personally love roses. They are my favorite flower if Lilacs are not in season. I love the elegance and the smell of them - truly. And with Jonathan being so far away, I'm blessed that he even remembered!

That is basically all for now, hopefully I will hear from the fiance after he heals from getting his wisdom teeth pulled today. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Let's just start out by saying I love my birthday. I always have. It was a day I always counted down to, did nothing on, and enjoyed to the fullest. Every year it was my own personal major holiday that no one could ruin and I loved every minute. No wait...I didn't like the year 25. That is when I officially felt old and I cried most of the day because of this. Also, the day AFTER I turned 25 is when things started to hurt for random reasons. I have muscles in my elbows that randomly hurt? What?

But this year was different. Even though I had to celebrate another year sans fiance I was able to enjoy it a little more. It started with a gorgeous sunrise painted by my awesome Creator. Normally I'm not awake enough to look out the window in the morning let alone step outside in the cold air to take a picture of the sky but this day was different. Today was my birthday and I was going to enjoy it from the very beginning.
 As the day continued I was at work training my replacement. The first hour was rough as she continued to get more and more frustrated but she eventually calmed down. The work day ended with her telling me "if I'd known everything that this job entailed I would have never applied". Lovely, great, thanks. Not my problem.

I was looking forward to the evening all day. Dinner and dessert with my dear immediate family. Tacos - which were eaten so fast because I LOVE tacos and I was too busy eating 4 of them to take a picture. Then dessert was brownie sundaes. (The red stuff is strawberries in sauce.) This was really my mom's plate (she gave me permission to "instagram that!"). Mine was a much bigger more embarrassing sundae size and let's face it - eaten too fast as well. I love food...

I know I didn't post yesterday so here's a synopsis...I went to Target. Target is a trap and only twice in my life have I gone in and not spent a dime and that was only because I didn't even have a dime to spend. But I went to Target to finish buying my outfit for my shower on Sunday and I spent way too long in the shoes section....
I bought the navy flats because they were cheapest but they were too small and their getting returned tomorrow when I will go back and try to keep my spending's under $30...wish me luck because we all know that ain't easy. And that darn dollar section sucks me in every time...anyone else feel the need to buy something from it because "it's only a dollar" and "if I don't buy it now, it might not be here next time"?...yeah I figured I'm not alone.

I did hear from my fiance briefly today via facebook. Hopefully I'll hear from him this weekend - knowing my luck it will be in the middle of my bridal shower. Bring it on.

*update for Target* I spent almost $60 but half of that was birthday money so...technically I was still within budget!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Today's Bride

Well I attended my first Bridal show today and it was exactly what I thought it would be. A lot of people. A lot of vendors. Very little space. But I got this nifty little sticker to state my status for being at the show and it matched by free tote bag.

When we first arrived there was a fashion show going on so we watched that a little and left before it ended to avoid getting trampled on. We then traveled around trying to find the booths we wanted to see, getting paperwork and coupons shoved in our faces. Mom made me play plinko because we thought I would get a prize but instead I received $50 of our tux rental - too bad the groomsmen are all buying their suits from JcPenney.
We documented the day stopping at 3/4 of the photo booths. I have no interest in getting a photo booth but it was fun to test them out. It also took me until the end to start putting fake phone numbers and emails on the registration cards. I guess I'll be "unsubscribing" myself for a lot of spam emails in the next few weeks. Don't get me wrong I loved going and seeing what the show was all about and it was my only chance to ever go so that is why I took it but let's be honest - I was expecting more free cake. 

After such a travel filled afternoon I came home to watch 27 Dresses with a cup of Peppermint Tea. Oh lets not forget the mini workout I did...yeah to justify the piece of cinnamon bread I had with my tea. It was a splendid Sunday!

No word from the Fiance but maybe this week!

Saturday, October 13, 2012


A new blog for a new season in my life. Welcome.

Currently I sit here watching "It Happened to Jane" with ole Doris Day surrounded by cardboard boxes, packing tape and my trusty sharpie. Packing, taping and labeling boxes is my new hobby since getting engaged back in March to a Military man.
Two weeks after he proposed, Jonathan deployed with the USMC. These past six months I have been spent planning our wedding, planning the move to North Carolina, preparing to become a Military wife, finding an apartment to move in to and planning our honeymoon at the next possible time we'll have to take it. Yes life has been quite the journey lately and will be changing all the more in the next few months. We don't have a wedding date but it will be soon. After that we'll move down south and finally get to be together! Stay tuned for the rest of my journey to becoming a married woman and life thereafter. 

As for the coffee portion of this blog it will be sprinkled in as it keeps me moving. Currently in my coffee pot is Nicaragua coffee from Building New Hope. I enjoy it with a mulling spice brewed right in that makes it smell all Autumn-y. 

Tonight I made Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Brownies. A new type of brownie as it was made on a cookie sheet instead of a 9x13 pan which made the brownies thinner but still yummy! You can find the recipe here.

Thanks for reading!